Uno Fun part 2

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Uno Fun (2)

Setting the beer down on the table Niall perches himself on the edge of the sofa. Without missing a beat he opens the cards asking how much you had to drink. There was no hiding the smug grin on his face. You let him know two drinks at dinner then point to the empty wine glass, “and that was glass número dos.”

He quirks an eyebrow at you while shuffling the cards in his hands. You notice just how big his hands look holding the entire deck. With just that image your mind was strait to thoughts of what you wanted him to do with those large hands and long thick fingers.

Lost in those thoughts you are brought back to present time when you hear him laugh, “You gonna look at yur cards Pet?” You can’t control the smile that has taken up residence on your lips. In your alcohol induced warm fuzzy state of mind you let him know he is going down. “Don’t sound too bad ta me,” he gives you a wink after the words leave his lips.

His brazen verbal attack on your senses was uncalled for. You rise up on your knees to lean over the table in a not so quiet whisper let him know, “Only if you’re lucky.” You watch his eyes as they wonder over your body as if he is measuring you up for battle.

The first hand is back and forth. Him slowly munching on his pizza and drinking the beer. He has a little smile on his face till you lay a green 4 card down and call out Uno. He looks at you in disbelief then smiles again. He lays down a blue 4 card and tells you to beat that. You just shake your head and play your last card; a wild card. He protest saying that’s cheating.

“Oh suck it up Horan. You owe me some clothes.” You laugh as he mumbles about playing right. “Come on pay up mister,” you whistle as he pulls his shirt off and throws it at you. “Don’t be like that babe,” you try not to laugh. He tells you to deal the cards.

After another hand is dealt you could see the gears turning in his head. This hand goes by faster than the first. He drops a card calling uno as he does. You look up from your hand of six cards and pout. He just looks at you with a victorious smirk before taking the last drink of his beer. You play your card and he drops his last one before you even move your hand back.

“Boom,” he exclaims setting back in his spot on the sofa. “I believe you owe me something my love.” The cockiness dripping off his words hit you hard. Sometimes that cockiness got on your nerves. Other times it made you throb wanting him so bad. This was one of those throbbing times. You slip out of your shirt and toss it at him. “Aww no boobs,” he whines when he sees the tank top you had on.

A few more hands and Niall is down to his socks and boxers. You still have your tank top and your boy shorts undies on. He was working on his fourth beer feeling more flustered with each card you play. “Oh look,” you cannot help but laugh. “I have a skip card for you. Then another skip card. Oh look a reverse card and a draw two card my love.”

“That’s fuckin’ cheating! You can’t do that!” He was so mad he threw his cards down. You told him to calm down that it was just a game. He picked his cards up and the extra two from the deck. You finally played a regular card so he could have a go. “I only agreed to this because you were drunk. When do I get to see them boobs,” he sounded a little calmer but still frustrated.

You had enough of the game yourself and was ready for some real fun with your man. You put your cards on the table before leaning across it on your elbows. “You mean these?” He groaned when he saw you pull the top of your shirt down giving him a peek.

You make your way over to Niall and push him back against the sofa. His hands find your hips as you start to kiss his lips softly and work your way to his jaw then neck. His hands were all over you finally he grabbed your shirt and pulled it over your head and tossed it with his pile.

You place yourself on his lap straddling him on your knees. You know how ready you are for this and can feel how ready his is. You grind yourself on him and hear him whisper out a silent “Jeasus fuckin’ Christ.”

You stand up ready to take this to the bedroom.  Looking down at him ready to have your way with the man you love; something caught your eye. You stop as he stood placing his hands on your hips. “Niall what is that?” You point the the sofa. He is attacking your neck with his lips and stops long enough to ask what. You reach down and pull cards out from between the cushions. “Niall Horan! Were you cheating?”

He didn’t even look ashamed as he replied, “Yeah, but I really wanted to see boobs babe,“ and he slid his hands up to grab your boobs. You couldn’t help but laugh at that. You kissed him letting him know he was lucky you loved him.

Dreams and Blurbs of Niall HoranWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu