Plain and Simple

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You had spent most of the day out running errands with your boyfriend. Just out being a normal couple; well as normal as you could with Niall Horan as your boyfriend. He needed to find some new jeans and shoes among other things. “Oh and that new watch shop that just opened,” he kept adding more stops to the list.

He would ask if you saw anything you liked or wanted. You found a couple things, but for the most part you would tell him, “No, I'm good.” And honestly you were telling him the truth. You never did have to want for anything with Niall. He made sure that you had everything you needed.

“You sure? Got ta keep me girl happy,” he pulled you close and tucked you under his arm and held you to his side as you walked out of the watch shop.

He was so warm and soft and smelled so good. It drove you crazy how he made you feel without even trying. “I have everything I could want or need, but thank you.” You crane your neck up and place a quick kiss to his cheek.

“Hey look it's a jewelry store. Mum's birthday is coming up. Let's go see if we can find something for her.” He nodded to a shop across the street.

The two of you make it across the street and he opened the door for you. After two years together he still opens doors for you. Even after two years it still gives you the butterflies feeling.

Not sure what he has in mind for Maura you continue to “window” shop. You glance over your shoulder and see Niall talking with a sales person. You couldn't tell if she was trying to sell him the store merchandise or her “merchandise”. You stifle a chuckle as you continued to look at all the different beautiful pieces in the showcases. You trusted your man so you held your comments for now.

You stopped when you were distracted by some beautiful diamond rings. Sue you; diamonds are a girl's best friend aren't they?

A lady approached you from the other side of the counter and asked if she could help you. “Oh no thank you. Just looking,” you answered politely. Your eyes wandered back down to the rings again.

The lady opened the case and took out the two displays you were caught eyeing. She placed them on the case directly in front of you. “Here just try one on for fun.” She smiled at you kindly.

You gave in knowing it couldn't hurt to just try them on to see what they looked like. You picked out a simple solitaire diamond ring and slid it on. You turned it and noticed the rainbows that the lights caused to reflect in the cut of the stone.

Niall had finally joined you with his front pressed to your back. He was so close that you could feel the rise and fall of his chest with each breath he took.

“What'cha doin?” He asked as he looked down at your hand from over your shoulder. His chin sat on your shoulder as you told him just looking. You slipped the ring off and gave it back to the lady. He picked a bigger ring with multiple stones. He slipped it on your finger and then moved your hand in the light to admire it. “You like it,” he whispered in your ear. His lips so close they barely grazed the shell of your ear.

“It's really pretty,” was your hesitant answer.

He smiled and hummed in your ear. “We can get it if ya like it.”

You just turn to look at him as if he had lost his mind. As much as you loved him you knew he was a guy and sometimes overlooked the small details. “Niall you do know what these are right?” You stared at him as his gaze trapped you with his brighter than normal blue eyes.

A smile on his lips that he tried to fight back. Your mind filled with a million thoughts. You looked back at the ring and removed it. You handed it back to the lady who just like you watched the scene that was unfolding before her eyes.

“Yes I know what they are. I would be the happiest man alive if you would let me place one of them on your finger today, and wear it for the rest of our lives.” You noticed that he slowly knelt down holding your hand. “My pet, my princess, my love will you do me the honor of picking out your perfect ring and promise to marry me?”

You could not believe what had just happened. You felt warm and lightheaded with all the emotions you were hit with. You could not remove your eyes from his. He looked a little nervous as he waited for your answer. You slapped your free hand over your mouth before you let out a loud squeal. “Are you serious Niall,” you choked out between shaky breaths.

“I have never been more serious about anything in my entire life.” He waited on bended knee for your answer. You launched yourself into his arms. You nearly knocked both of you to the floor. “Is this a yes? You have to say something.”

“Oh my god yes,” you forced out between sobs. Your eyes filled up with tears of joy. He pulled you into the tightest hug. You pulled back just enough to kiss his lips and cup his cheeks in your hands to hold him there.

That night at home you cuddled up to your fiance and he held your hand so you could admire the new ring on your finger. “Why this one? I could have bought you any ring in the entire place.”

You kissed his cheek and told him, “Because it is simple and beautiful just like our love.” He raised an eyebrow at your answer. “I love you and you love me right?” You waited for his answer. He just nodded his head. “That's it plain and simple. We love each other and we don't need to be showy or over the top to prove that. As long as you know it and I know it that is all that matters. This ring is a symbol of that love. It is simple just like our love.”

He pulled your hand to his lips and placed a kiss to each knuckle. “And here I thought you might have picked a bigger stone.” He smiled as he looked at the ring he placed on your finger earlier that day. “If this one makes you happy then it makes me happy.”

“My parents didn't raise me to order something expensive when someone else was paying,” you said before kissing his lips.

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