This Christmas (12)

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Niall's pov

I was tired and wanted to get her settled in then hit the bed myself. I got her situated and turned to leave till I heard her voice say my name. I froze in place just before I turned to make sure she had called out to me or if I just dreamt that she did.

“Will you stay with me?” Her voice had never sounded so vulnerable and scared. The look on her face I couldn't tell her no.

“Are ya sure ya want that love?” I wasn't sure if she really wanted me too or if it was the alcohol talking for her. When she said she just wanted a cuddle I already knew I would stay. She continued to talk as I slipped under the cover and pulled her close. She thanked me and I kissed the top of her head, “Anything for you my pet.”

Sam fell asleep in seconds in my arms. I knew I wasn't far from it myself. I laid there on my side and took her in. We had cuddled before but there was just something different this time. Knew mum was right the other night. I just didn't realise it till she put it in words. Maybe I did have a selfish ulterior motive for bringing her with me.

“Love you,” Sam whispered as she shifted in my arms. Not another word spoken or mumbled from her.

I closed my eyes and pressed my lips to her cheek. “Good-night pet,” I smiled with my nose pressed into her soft hair and took in her scent before my body finally gave in.

I felt the bed shift slightly beside me. I pinched my eyes closed tight. I was not ready to be awake. I felt the blanket pull farther up over my arm and shoulder till it reached my neck. I let one eye crack open just enough to see what happened. There she was just where I left her when I drifted off to sleep.

“Sorry, didn't mean to wake you.” She whispered, “Go back to sleep.”  

Sam looked a wreck when I finally opened both eyes. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes with my palms. I looked back at her and smiled like an idiot. She might have looked a wreck with her hair in any and every direction it could go. There was a trace of eye make-up still there. But she was there with me. I reached for her and pulled her closer. “Where'd you go,” I laid my head back on the pillow and let my eyes wander over her features.

“Bathroom,” she let out a huff. “You damn Irish have livers of iron and bladders the size of a blimp.” I laughed at her statement of us Irish. I have heard similar words from her before after a night of drinks.

I pushed a strand of hair away from her face and tucked it behind her ear. Let my hand linger there as I studied her eyes. How the dark outer ring of blue-green faded to a lighter green till there was a near golden ring around her pupils. Had I ever noticed the brown freckle like spot in her right eye before? There were so many things I had never taken the time to see.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I felt her hand move mine from her face. She might have moved my hand away but she didn't let go of it. Sam weaved her fingers between mine and placed them against her chest under the cover. My eyes followed the movement then I set my gaze to her mesmerizing eyes. “Good-morning,” she smiled up at me.

I took a chance and leaned over on one elbow and pressed my lips to hers. It took a quick second for her to react and to join in. It was a soft quick kiss. I could feel the goofy grin that had grown on my face. “Good morning.”

We laid there in quite contentment. I was too afraid to speak. I didn't want to ruin the moment. It was calm and peaceful, and I didn't have a lot of that in my life. A knock on the door broke the silence. “Sammy dear are you awake?” It was my mum; of course.

“Yes ma'am. Do you need me for something?” Sam answered as she held my gaze.

“Just wanted to check that you two were ok after last night. Anyway breakfast is ready.”

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