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Setting in the car debating on what to do. You have been here a couple times, but always with your best friend, who is dating one of his friends.

You look out the window at the house, and hear music in the background. Your phone buzzes with a text alert. K: Where you at? You text your friend back that you are outside in your car. She text again telling you to get a move on.

"You can do this," you try to pep talk yourself. Text alert again, and you press your forehead to the steering wheel before checking it. K: Get in here before I drag you in. You knew she ment it too.

With one last deep breath and a quick check of the make-up; you're walking. "Its ok," you say as you walk to the door.  "You have been around him more than a few times. You held it together, barely, hanging out with him before." How did you or your friend think you were going to be able to do this?

You make it to the door and ring the bell. Just as you look down at your phone the door opens, and you are greeted by Niall himself. That mega watt smile and those deeper than the ocean blue eyes.

"Hey you made it," he says as he one arm hugs you in the doorway. You hug him back and cannot help the smile that found its way to your face. "Come on in Kelly and Mully are out poolside." He ushers you inside and ask if you want a drink.

"No I'm good for now," you reply a little quickly. You want to kick your own ass for being such a spaz. You can't help it that he makes you feel all the butterflies not just in your belly, but in your brain and heart too.

He nods placing his hand on the small of your back, "Well you know where everything is. Make yourself at home." He gives you another smile as he steps back to let you pass.

"Thanks Niall. Think I'm gonna go find Kelly." You walk away quickly so you don't make a bigger fool of yourself. Calm down, calm down calm down, you keep repeating inside your head.

You make it outside shaking your head. He is a famous person with everything and anything he could want or need. Very easy on the eyes to say the least, and so much fun to be around. You were just you. Nothing out of the ordinary. What would he ever see in you when he has models, singers, and actresses around that were way out of your league.

"Hey you decided to come without me dragging you in," your best friend of more than half you life joked.  You told her you still didn't know what you were doing there or why he invited you to his bbq. "Because you are part of the gang," she smiles at you. Kelly knows about your crush on Niall, and loves to tease you about it.

"Ha freakin' ha. You're so not funny," you roll your eyes at you friend. "Where is your attachment?" You joke looking around for Mully. Anything to change the subject before she got started.

You and Kelly find a seat poolside and she winks at you, "There's your man." You look over your shoulder and see him talking to a small group of people that you had met once. Mully shows up with drinks and asked what you were looking at. "What do you think Sean?" Kelly smirks as you give her the side eye.

You take the drink from Mully and tell him to shut it. He asked what that was for. You take a sip of the drink and tell him he knows what. He just laughs and tells you he could put a good word in for ya. The two of them seem to be up to something, but you just shrug it off.

You look around scoping out the people around drinking and eating. You see the bleach blonde tips of his hair across the pool from you. He looks over and makes eye contact with you. The butterflies start fluttering again, and you finish your drink in hopes to drown those damn things.

You finally look away and talk to your friends that are setting with you. Small talk being made you join in with a "yeah sure," every now and then. Next thing you know there is a hand on your shoulder. "Are we havin' fun over here?"

Dreams and Blurbs of Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now