This Christmas (6)

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I woke the next morning to find Niall in the kitchen with his mum. They talked and laughed just genuinely enjoyed being together. I don't remember the last time I have ever seen him this happy. I heard a ding from inside the kitchen and it scared me. I made a noise as I jumped and drew their attention.

“Hey sleepy head,” he laughed at me.

“You are one ta talk. You've been up only twenty minutes,” Maura chided him for me. “Come on in dear,” she motioned for me to join them.

I sat at the kitchen table with them and was treated to a hot chocolate and a caramel apple and cinnamon scone. “Oh my,” I all but moaned when I took a bite. “This is the best thing I have ever had. Ms. Gallagher I need the recipe for this.”

“Thank you dear, and It's Maura or ma or mum. Ms. Gallagher is my mother-in-law.” She winked at me with that same mischievous glint Niall has.

“Yes ma'am,” I said feeling a little embarrassed. I sipped on the hot chocolate and noticed the smirk on his face. I stuck my tongue out at him while Maura had her back to us.

He made a face at me just in time for her to turn and see it. “Niall James that is not how you act at the kitchen table.” Yup loved this lady already.

“But she started it,” he huffed like a five year old as he pointed at me.

She looked at me the back to him. “Well I didn't see her do it, but I did you.” She winked at me again.

“Are you kidding me right now? It's like growin’ up with Greg all over again.” He threw his hands up.

Maura reached over and pinched his ear. “You might be twenty-five years old and a famous pop star, but you are still my son.” She let go and he grabbed his ear.

I couldn't help the laugh that bubbled up inside. He glared at me, “Not funny. That hurts.” He whined as he rubbed his ear.

“Sammy we were getting ready to bake some bread. You want to help us?” She asked as she finished her drink.

“Sure ok. I just need to go get cleaned up and changed.” I was still in my pajamas. I finished my drink and scone. “This is so good,” I repeated again.

“Thank you,” Niall took the praise for the yummy treat. I just gave him a skeptical look. “No really. Ma who made the scones?” He had a smug look on his face.

“He made them. I woke up this morning and he was in here baking these for me. He knows they are my favorite.” She doated on her son. “Glad to know all those times in the kitchen paid off.”

I was impressed to say the least. I made it to my room and changed into a pair of jeans and a plain t-shirt. I washed up and put my hair back in a ponytail.

“Who are you and what did you do with my Sam?” Niall joked.

I rolled my eyes at him. If it wasn't for the fact that we were in his mother's house I would have flipped him the bird. “Ha ha very funny Horan.”

We moved to the island worktop and she gave me instructions on what to do. When I gave her the deer in the headlights look she laughed. “Sorry dear. I forget that you didn't grow up here.” She went to a cabinet and pulled out an old recipe book. When she found the right page she set it up for me.

I read the instructions at least three times before I started. Niall just dove in no book or anything. I asked him how he knew all this. “We had to bake our own stuff when we found out ma had celiac. Didn't have all the gluten free stuff back then. So I helped her when she would make bread, cakes, biscuits and stuff.”

“Aww that's sweet Niall.” I never knew he knew how to bake. That took me back to when I was little and helped my mom in the kitchen. Lord knows I probably made more of a mess and made everything harder.

He finished his soda bread dough before I finished mine so he helped me along. After we finished Maura asked what we wanted for dinner. I asked what happened to lunch.

Niall laughed, “What time do you think it is Sam?” I just looked at him confused. “Its half four.”

“Oh why didn't you wake me when you got up?” I felt bad for sleeping over half the day away.

Maura rubbed my shoulder, “Because you two were up till way up in the morning. Don't feel bad Niall was only up twenty minutes or so before you.” I asked about the scones.

“Couldn't sleep so I made them after you went to bed.” He answered as he took my dough and put it in the bread maker.

“Oh, well I still feel bad for sleeping all day.” I shook my head is disbelief. She asked me what I wanted to eat since I was the guest. I didn't have a clue and I didn't want to look like an idiot.

We ended up with carryout that Niall's stepfather brought in. Charcoal Grill Mullingar had a wonderful mixed grill shish skewers. Not sure what all meat was in it, but I was pretty sure I could have eaten mine and Niall's weight in those.

We had moved to the back lounge area where I had found Niall last night with the guitar. We sat and talked about Niall growing up and how mischievous he was. “I can believe it. He hasn't changed much.” I joked and received an elbow to the ribs. “Hey,” I elbowed him back.

“Ok children,” Maura called us down and laughed as she did. “So Sammy if it is none of my business just tell me, but why don't you go home for the holidays?”

“Ma,” Niall spoke up ready to change the subject. I just put my hand on his arm and told him it was fine.

“My parents passed away a couple years apart. We tried to carry on traditions after mom passed away but it was hard and we drifted apart. Then dad passed away a few years back. My siblings and I got into it over my father's estate. I took my part and moved away from it. I haven't heard from them since. They were mad because dad left more to me than he did them.”

Niall just looked at me wide eyed. Maura reached over and squeezed my hand. “You have a home here to come whenever you want.” Her husband Chris agreed.

Niall's POV

Had she ever told me that? Pretty sure she hadn't; I would remember something like that. Leave it to ma to get something like that out of someone.

I sat back and listened to Sam carry on with my ma and Chris like she had known them for years not hours. It was good to see her let down her guard and start to enjoy herself. Knew she would love it here.

“Niall,” Ma called me out of my thoughts. “Did you hear me?” I shook my head. “Greg is bring Theo and Denise by tomorrow. Are you two going to be around?”

“I had told Da that we would come around his tomorrow. When they gonna be here?” I wanted to see my nephew but didn't want to back out on my da. When she said they would be there for dinner I felt better. “Might be cutting it close. Told da that we would be over to watch the match.”

“Really? That's what we're doing? You know I don't get soccer.” Sam sounded a little upset. I could see it in her eyes she was not excited for it.

“Football, and you like it. Seen and heard ya yell at the telly before.” I mocked her.

“Yeah well get a couple drinks in me and make me watch something like that; I'm gonna fuss about how stupid it is.” She frowned at me.

“We don't have to watch the entire match.” I was willing to give a little. Plus I knew ma wanted us back for dinner. Just have to make it up to da later.

Dreams and Blurbs of Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now