Why Was I Invited

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Y/N pov

It was that time of the year where Niall was getting ready to head home for the holidays. Everyone was gathered at his house for his “going away” party. Nothing to major; a bbq and drinks with what seemed like half of LA. You made the cut after being introduced to him through Mully from where you worked at 40 Love. You had helped out with the food and drinks halfway through the party after Niall had asked you to get this or that for him from the kitchen. You didn't mind it much since it meant you got to spend some time talking to him.

“You know he likes ya right,” you heard the voice come from behind you. You rolled your eyes before you turned to see who was lying to you. You knew that there was no way he liked you other than an acquaintance. You wouldn't even say you were friends yet.

You turned with a platter balanced in one hand and two bottles of beer in the other. “Yeah he likes me helping do the running so he doesn't have to,” you gave a half-hearted smile to the guy you knew from the bar.

“No,well maybe that to, but he likes ya. I can tell,” Justin reached around you to grab a beer from the refrigerator. “He looks at you different than he does the other girls.” He paused long enough to open the bottle and to look around the kitchen. He leaned closer and spoke low enough for only you to hear, “plus you're the only one from the bar that was invited.” He winked at you before he walked outside to join the rest of the party crowd.

Great now you had that running in your head. “Hey Y/N,” you heard Niall call out. “You get lost in there?” His words mixed with an amused laugh. You made your way to the door and rolled your eyes at the sight of him and Mully fighting over dominance of the grill.

“No I did not get lost. Just had a little chat with someone.” You handed the empty platter to Mully and one of the beers to Niall. Mully reached for the other bottle, but you took a drink of it before he could get it. “Sorry boss. Didn't know you wanted one.” That got a chuckle from Niall, and a glare from Mully.

Mully gave up the fight for grillmaster, and left you there with Niall. “So this is a pretty big deal huh?” You tried to act like your mind wasn't replaying the short talk you had with Justin. You turned away from Niall to survey the mass of people in his backyard.

“Eh, kind of. It's my last bbq before I disappear back home for a few months. Go back to London and Mullingar for the holidays. Won't see this lot for about three or four months.” He moved beside you to look at his circle of friends.

You just nod and take a draw from your bottle. If this was a goodbye to his friends then why were you there? You had met him at the bar a few times and you got along well with him, but you didn't think that made you a friend.

As the party progressed you slowed down your drinking. You had made it to your warm fuzzy giggle level of drunkness. Everyone was laughing, singing and enjoying the party. You knew from your time of being a bartender that everyone had consumed a lot of alcohol.

Niall had caught your eye as he was chugging a dark drink along with Matt, Mully and Justin. After they finished the drinks they let out some sort of caveman grunt, and started laughing uncontrollably. You couldn't help but laugh at Niall's loud contagious laugh.

“Oi! What's so funny,” Niall asked when he noticed you laughing at them. His cheeks and nose were slightly rosie from the alcohol he had consumed. His eyes a little droopy and you were pretty sure there was a slur hidden in that heavier than usual Irish accent.

“You four grunting and cheering like cavemen,” you giggled from behind the hand you moved to cover your mouth. They made their comments and more grunts that caused you to laugh harder and you snorted. That caused you to laugh harder. You noticed that Niall had moved beside you. He was laughing so hard at you that he was bent over hand on his stomach. “Don't laugh at me,” you said with a soft punch to his arm.

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