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“It's not gonna help,” he croaked out with sniffle. He laid on the sofa under his favorite fuzzy blanket wrapped around his body. His dark hair flattened more than you have ever seen it. His face seemed a shade paler than usual. A pink tint to his cheeks and the tip of his nose.

“Niall just drink it. I promise that it will help.” You felt like you were talking to a five year old. You felt sorry for him, but it was just a cold. You would have thought he was on his deathbed the way he was acting.

“But it smells weird,” he said with a pout as he literally turned his nose up at the cup. He pushed your hand away then returned his arm under his blanket.

“It's just water and an Alka-Seltzer. It's lemon-lime even.” You stepped between him and his view of the television. One hand on your hip, the other holding the glass out infront of him. “Drink it and I will fix whatever you want to eat.” He just have you a suspicious look. “I promise it's not bad,” you took a sip to show him it wasn't bad.

“You just took a drink of it. Now I know I'm not gonna drink it.” Your twenty-five year old boyfriend had transformed into a sniffling, coughing, whining child right before your eyes.

You let out an exasperated breath and gave up. You drank the rest of it figuring it couldn't hurt. You sat the glass on the table that was littered with crumpled tissues and cough drop wrappers. You turned headed for the door and stopped to slip your shoes on.

“Where ya goin’?” He called out to you from his spot on the sofa that he had taken up residence on for the last three days. He only left the sofa to make his trips to the bathroom. Even that was made into a big ordeal.

Looking at him was near heartbreaking. You knew he was sick, rundown and hurting. You have had your fair share of colds yourself. You did however not act half as bad as he had been. “Out,” was your short answer.

“You're just gonna leave me like this?” His face contorted with a mixture of disbelief and sadness. “What if I need something?” His pale pink lips turned down and the bottom lip poked out into a pout. His lovely blue eyes were more grayiah and dull added to the pitiful look. “I'm all achy and it hurts to move.”

You slipped your second shoe on before you grab your keys and purse. You give him a sympathetic look. “I love you babe, but I have to get out of here. Gonna go to the market to get soup fixings.”

“But,” he gets out before a body wracking cough is forced out from his chest. He takes a shallow breath, “what if something happens?”

With a shake of your head you roll your eyes. “Niall James you have a cold, you're not dying.”

“Pretty sure I am,” he whined back at you as he pulled his blanket tighter to his body. “Can't believe you're being so mean.”

You let out a laugh, “Yeah so mean. Waiting on you, cooking for you.” You made it over to his side and placed a kiss to his slightly warm forehead. “I'm just going to the store. I won't be gone that long.”

“Will you get me some ice cream?” His red rimmed eyes held your gaze as he rubbed at the tip of his nose with the back of his hand.

“Fine, but you have to take some medicine when I get back.” You had been reduced to making deals to get a grown man to take medicine.

“Fine but if it's nasty I'mma sneeze on ya.” He stated like a grumpy child.

You laughed as you headed for the door. “Ok my little five year old.” Before he could say anything you were already outside headed for your car.

Dreams and Blurbs of Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now