Love Destination (7)(smut)

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Niall pov

You had never been more relieved than right that very minute. There were so many thoughts that swirled through your brain since you nearly made the biggest mistake of your life. You had almost married the wrong girl. Thanks to Y/N you had survived one of the worst nightmares. She was there for you the day of, took care of you that night. She made what could have been the week from hell more bearable.

How had you never realized how blessed you were to know this beauty and be privileged to call her your best friend? It took being left at the altar to realize all this. You nearly married the wrong one but ended up on the honeymoon with the right one.

To say that you were thrown off by the kiss would be too understated. When your brain finally caught up with what happened you didn't want it to end. Unfortunately it ended, but you both seemed to have enjoyed it. You knew that you did, and the look in her eyes let you know she did too. Then she started to retreat back into her shell and you couldn't handle that. After the fight you two had and the advice the old man gave you. You knew that she was what you had searched for. Y/N was what you needed in your life at your side. She was your destination. As the old barkeep said, "Love is not something you fall into. It is a destination that you eventually find yourself at before you know it." You finally understood what he meant by that.

The car had arrived but the two of you decided to stay in again. You turned on some music, had a fire in the pit and drinks readily available. Y/N was still in her dress from today. You had undone a few buttons on your shirt. You danced on the patio under the twilight sky. Moon and stars just making their presence known.

"Glad you came with me," you admitted when Y/N twirled in a circle as you held her hand above her head.

"Glad you asked me," she let out a breathy laugh as she crashed into you. You chuckled as you held her tight to you so she didn't fall.

"Ok enough dancing for now. Gonna be paying for it later when I have'ta ice down my knee." You lead her over to the loungers by the fire. This time you pulled her down on your lap. Y/N wormed her way between your legs and laid back against your chest.

You pushed her hair to one side to rest your chin on her bare shoulder. Ed Sheeran's song Perfect came on and you whispered the words along with it. She made a sound crossed between a laugh and a grunt. Y/N tried to move her ear away from you. "What's wrong pet," you cracked a smile.

"That tickled," she rubbed her hand over her ear and down her neck.

"What this tickles," you lowered your mouth to her ear and whispered again. Same result but this time you held her in place so she couldn't pull away. She squealed and struggled in your hold to move away. You got her to stop but she jerked when you tried to rest your chin on her shoulder again.

"Easy, I'm not doing anything," you reassured her. After a few seconds of breathing her in you couldn't help yourself. You started to nuzzle into the skin of her neck with your nose. Your lips brushed against her skin. You stopped and pressed a kiss into the soft skin just under her jawbone. You heard the soft moan come from Y/N. That gave you the courage to kiss her neck again. A couple kisses and a little nibble had Y/N's head leaned away to give you more access.

You kissed licked and sucked on her neck. Your hands went on auto pilot and had slipped down around her sides and up to her breast. She drew in a deep breath when you hands cupped her over her dress. You continued the work on her neck down to her shoulder as you massaged her breast.

"Um, feels good," Y/N moaned out as she placed a hand over one of yours. The other she reached back to rub over your hair.

"Good, want to make you feel good." you mumbled into her skin. You kept up the work on her neck and shoulders. One hand still on her covered breast you let the other hand trail down her body. She twitched when you would his a sensitive spot. Damn the long dress and all the material that stood in your way. You grabbed a handful and pulled it up her body.

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