The elderly man did not reply. 

Gauri took out a newspaper clipping, which she had been carrying in her bag for days.

"See this? This is the news article about me and my Jiji. This will tell you all you want to know, we are tired of recounting our story anyways" said Gauri. 

The elderly lady and his daughter-in-law read through the article. The lady started crying, and even the gentleman's eyes were moist. 

"I am so, so sorry for you both, and questioning your truth" said the man.

"So, you were saying....we died?" asked Annika, she wanted to know the truth.

"Yes, we thought so. Ever since Harsh got married, he only came twice to meet his uncle, though he lived so near in Thane. Once after his marriage, and once after you were born. Then his uncle lost all contact with him for a few years. Some time later, he turned up on Kushal bhaiyaa's door, with his two daughters. None of them even knew about Chutki's birth, or Durga's death. He stayed with Kushal bhaiyaa for a few months. We all grew very fond of Annika and Chutki, you both. But then Harsh felt that his staying here would endanger Kushal bhaiyaa and his family, even though Kushal bhaiyaa ensured him that Harsh was safe here, you girls were safe here. We were, and still are, a very close knit community here, you see. Anyways, so he sent Harsh to a safe house, not far from here. But a few years later, an awful fire burnt down your house. We found Harsh's body, but we didn't find yours. Maybe we didn't try hard enough, because we didn't want to come across two baby girls remains. We thought you perished, even if the fire didn't kill you, you would have died of suffocation first. We cremated Harsh, but your great uncle refused to hold any funeral ceremony for you. He believed you had survived. His family didn't argue with him, and complied with his request. He died believing you are alive, and finally it turns out, you are" finished the gentleman. 

Annika's eyes were moist, and tears were running down Gauri's face.

Here was the final proof that their father was no more. That they were alone in this world, stripped of all connections on their father's side. 

"Your great uncle left me an envelope with some things, wait a moment" said the elderly gentleman and ordered his servant to bring that envelope from his chest of drawers.

"Here. Take this. I honestly didn't think that I will get it to hand it to someone from Harsh's or Durga's family, especially not you, but maybe on his death bed, Kushal bhaiyaa could see things much clearer than the rest of us" said the elderly gentleman, his eyes moist. 

"Thank you so much, you don't know what this means for us" said Annika, and Gauri nodded her head too. 

"Won't you girls stay for lunch?" asked the kind lady, as she saw Annika and Gauri getting up.

"I'm afraid we can't. There are some important, pressing matters to attend to. But we will visit here again soon. We would like to know more about our father and his family" said Annika.

The gentleman nodded and said, "Kushal bhaiyaa was very close to me. He sold this house to me before he died, and his family is still in contact with me, even though they live outside India. I will tell them, that their Annika and Chutki are alive." 

Annika and Gauri had finally found their roots. 


"I don't know how that happened Madam, I went to drink some tea at the nearby tea stall, and when I came back, I saw all the four tires were punctured. It will take some time for me to get the car to the garage" said the driver. 

Yuhn Hota Toh Kya Hota- Rikara FFWhere stories live. Discover now