Crazy For You (Dagur X Reader)

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It had been years since you'd seen your younger brother, Hiccup. The last time you were on Berk, dragons were still considered deadly monsters. You left when you were 18 to travel the Archipelago and chase adventures. And when you heard that your little brother was doing the same now, four years later, you couldn't wait to visit his new home on Dragon's Edge.

As soon as your boat docked, the riders began to crowd you; you'd always been pretty popular among the younger teens. Why wouldn't you have been? When you all lived in Berk, you were one of the craziest, most fearless warriors there.

"(Y/n)!" Hiccup called joyously.

You smiled wide and attacked him into a death grip hug, something you'd inherited from your father and chief of Berk. When Hiccup began to gasp for air, you laughed and let him go. He grinned down at you, because even though you were older, your height had been stunted at 5'7.

"It's so good to see you again!" You exclaimed before realizing the fortress behind him. Her mouth opened in awe as she took it all in, "look at this; my little brother is so talented!"

"Uh, hello, we helped too," Snotlout added in irritation. But you didn't seem to hear him as you raced off to explore, Hiccup staring after you with an amused smile.

Astrid sighed and shook her head, smiling sideways, "nothing's changed."

• • •

That evening, everyone was eating dinner and catching up. You and the others exchanged stories about your adventures. But when nature called, you had to run out to use the restroom. When you arrived back, you noticed a magnificent black and yellow dragon perched outside of the club house.

As you got closer, you notice a rider on this dragon. "Dagur," you heard your brother greet, then he went on sarcastically, "so nice of you to let us know you were coming by."

The man, Dagur, hopped skillfully off of the dragon and frowned, "sorry for the late intrusion. But it's Sleuther; he's been acting strangely, and I thought you might know how to help." You watched the man pat his dragon's head gently.

Then, picking up on your scent, Sleuther looked abruptly at you, which lead Dagur to, as well. You walked over with a joyful grin. "Uh, who are you?" Dagur asked, then turned to Hiccup and spoke again, "who is she?"

"Dagur, this is my sister, (Y/n)," Hiccup introduced, putting a hand on your shoulder.

Dagur hesitated, awestruck by your beauty. For a moment, he couldn't look away from your glowing (e/c) eyes. "(Y/n)," he finally spoke, his voice free of all tension, "it's so nice to meet you."

You looked him up and down inquisitively, finally landing her curious gaze on his face, "didn't you used to hunt my brother and his friends down trying to kill them in various brutal ways?"

Dagur opened his mouth, but immediately shut it, unsure how to respond. "Woah, okay, (Y/n)," Hiccup laughed nervously, "all water under the bridge."

You looked from Hiccup to Dagur and finally shrugged, your innocent smile returning, "oh, okay." You skipped off over to Ruff and Tuff.

Hiccup sighed and shook his head, "I'm sorry, she can be a little..forward, sometimes."

But Dagur only smiled crookedly and scratched the back of his neck as he stared after you. "Hah, it's no problem," he responded, a hint of admiration in his voice, "I kinda like it, very honest."

He and Hiccup stood in silence for a moment. Dagur picked up on bits and pieces of your conversation with the twins. "But how would you make an explosion like that even bigger?" Tuffnut wondered.

"Well, that's a secret..." You began, looking around with a wild grin, "..but you two seem worthy."

Hiccup, hearing this, marched over to the three scolding, "(Y/n), no! That's the last thing the twins need to know."

Dagur watched with a warm smile and chuckled a bit, feeling his face heat up. And for the first time ever, he realized that he was having feelings.

• • •

A few days had gone by, and Sleuther was finally getting better. Gobber had visited just recently to find that the dragon had a toothache, and he fixed it right away.

You sat in the the stables with the triple strike, petting and praising him. "Maybe you should look into getting yourself a dragon," Dagur suggested as he entered.

With a sweet smile, you looked up at him and responded, "oh, I will..eventually." You looked back down at Sleuther and continued, "once I find the right one."

Dagur sat on the floor beside her and smirked, "you know, if you keep giving him so much affection, he might drag you back to Berserker Island when we leave."

"I wouldn't mind that," you responded with a grin, your eyes sparkling.

Dagur was shocked by this and felt his heart leap. Turning his face away slightly, he gave a nervous laugh and stuttered, "d-don't say that." He continued in his head what he couldn't say outloud, don't get my hopes up.

You looked up at him in confusion, "but it's true. I thought you liked that about me?" You teased him, punching his large bicep hard.

When Dagur blushed, you couldn't help but smile in amusement. You sat yourself on you knees so that your eyes were level with him. "Dagur," you called for his attention.

When he looked into your eyes, he felt himself being pulled in. The cute grin on your lips, and the way you looked like there wasn't a worry in the world. "Yes?" He asked nervously.

You smiled so big that your face felt stretched. "I really like you," you stated bluntly, "and I'm going to come with you to your island."

Dagur grinned from ear to ear and teased with his arms crossed, "what if I don't let you?"

At this, you leaned forward and placed your lips onto him. It was a quick, gentle kiss, but left Dagur in a daze. "Permission granted," he spoke almost dreamily.

You giggled uncontrollably. And that night, when it was time to go, you bid your brother and friends farewell. Then you flew off with Dagur on Sleuther.

HTTYD/RTTE One Shots - X ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu