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Hoseok did not need anyone to explain what had happened. He understood it all very clearly now.

Jungkook had a crush on Hoseok but was too shy to talk to him. Then Jimin came along and 'stole' Hoseok from Jungkook. From that followed the lies, Hoseok believing that Jimin was bad, then ending up in Jungkook's arms.

As for Honey, she had known Jungkook from the start. He had paid her to make Taehyung fall in love with her; she was to make Hoseok feel abandoned by his friend. Hoseok's sister also needed removing, since she and Hoseok were very close and she too had a crush on Taehyung. Hoseok had to lose those closest to him, to make him vulnerable and alone.

The only part Hoseok was unsure of was Jungkook, who was he really? Very often, Jungkook would shift personalities. Was he the cocky, arrogant, prick Jungkook? Or, was he the shy, sweet and caring Jungkook that Hoseok had come to like?

The pair had not actually had sex yet, that really confused Hoseok. Surely if Jungkook wanted to, he could easily force Hoseok to sleep with him. They had made out sessions sometimes, and they cuddled in bed at night. So what was Jungkook waiting for? Not that Hoseok was complaining, he just could not understand why Jungkook had not simply just taken what he clearly wanted.

Months turned into years, and still, Hoseok had not been rescued. He had given up hope that Jimin or Taehyung would ever find him now. He had no idea where in the world he was. he was now allowed to walk around the house freely, but he was never permitted to go outside. All the windows had been boarded up, and the doors were locked. From the outside, it looked like an abandoned cottage. There was no hint that anyone could be living inside these walls.

Honey was no longer living with the two men, one day, she walked out of the house, and she never returned. Neither of the two knew where she had gone to, or if something had happened to her. But then neither of them really cared.

Jungkook would often leave Hoseok in the house alone, while he went out shopping. He would sometimes bring a gift back for Hoseok. Flowers mostly, as he knew that Hoseok adored pretty flowers. "Almost as beautiful as you." He would always tell Hoseok.

Hoseok still missed Jimin and Taehyung, but as time passed, he began to forget how he felt for them. He grew closer to Jungkook, intrigued by him. He wanted to know the real Jungkook. He wanted to see him happy; he saw such sadness deep in Jungkook's eyes. He needed to help him.

Hoseok sat down on the sofa beside Jungkook in the sitting room. "Jungkook?"

"Hmm?" Jungkook looked up from his phone. He stared at Hoseok.

"Talk to me."

"What about?"

"About yourself. What makes you so sad? I try to make you happy, but I can't."

Jungkook exhaled. "Uh, well. It's just...this isn't the life I had planned for us. All that hurt, and the hiding. I want you to love me, without you feeling like you are forced to."

Hoseok leaned close to Jungkook. "I don't feel like that anymore." He whispered.

Jungkook looked confused for a moment. "Do you mean that?"

"Yes, I know I'm not allowed to go outside, that I have to stay locked up. Even though it might seem strange, I don't feel like I'm trapped anymore. I don't feel like a prisoner."

"That is really weird Hoseok."

Hoseok laughed. "I know, but I like being with you. when you act like the real you, that's the Jungkook I like."

Tears smeared Jungkook's cheeks. "Hoseok please don't lie."

"I'm not, I promise."

"But, I thought you liked bad boys. Confident guys, who aren't afraid to talk to someone they like."

"I don't like bad boys Jungkook. I like to feel loved and wanted. I like you as you are now, this is the real you."

"How do you know?"

"Because I can see it, in your eyes. you just want someone to love you."

"I'm pathetic Hoseok. You know that. I told you why I have to be that way. My parents always told me I had to grow up, act like a man. To be more him."

Hoseok swept a strand of hair from Jungkook's eyes. "You just have to be you, don't change for anyone. You can never be happy if you only do what others want you to."

"Hoseok? Do you think you could ever love me?"

Hoseok sighed. He wished he could say yes, that he could take away Jungkook's pain. He knew he could not and should not, because that would be a lie.

"Jungkook, I like you, but I don't think I could love you. I've tried, but I don't want to lie to you. You deserve better than that. You deserve someone who can love you. But after everything we've been through together, I don't think it would work for either of us. That doesn't mean that we can't be friends. I would like us to be friends."

Jungkook put his head down, his muscles tensed. Hoseok braced himself, usually when Jungkook does that it means that the prick Jungkook is returning. Hoseok waited for a few, long, painful moments. Eventually, Jungkook spoke in a shallow voice, Hoseok had to strain his ears to understand.

"I won't force you to stay with me anymore. I'm too tired, Hobi, so tired. I love you so much. I have to let you go, right?"

Hoseok did not reply; he couldn't. He was shocked by what he had heard, did Jungkook really mean that? Was he serious or playing a joke?

"I don't understand Jungkook."

"Just go Hoseok."

"Jungkook I-"

"GO, HOSEOK!" Jungkook screamed.

Hoseok jumped off of the sofa. He ran to the front door. Trembling, he tried to open the door, but it was locked, and he could see no key anywhere.

"Uh, Jungkook I'm really sorry but-"

Jungkook charged towards Hoseok, he raised a hand and Hoseok cowered into the corner of the hallway. Jungkook's hand reached the door; he shoved a key into the keyhole and swiftly unlocked it and dragged the door open. He glanced at Hoseok before barging back into the sitting room.

Hoseok shivered at the feeling of cold air flowing through the door. He had not felt the wind or seen the sun shining in so long. It was so bright Hoseok had to squint his eyes to see. The garden was beautiful, full of dozens of flowers, Hoseok gasped at the beauty. He took a shaky step out of the house; he could hear Jungkook wailing inside. Hoseok's heart lurched for the sad young man. He bit his lip, swallowed, exhaled deeply then carried on walking, away from the house, the beautiful garden and away from Jungkook.



Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. Please read my other books too if you have not already. As always, thank you, and I purple you 💜

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