We Are All The Same

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Jackson sat on his bed. He watched as Hoseok entered his room. He smiled widely at him. Hoseok did not return the smile. He closed the door behind him and stood beside Jackson's bed.

"Well, well," Jackson smirked. "I didn't expect you would come to me this soon." He patted the bed. "Take a seat."

Hoseok sat, his expression still blank. He passed a note to Jackson. "Can you get it?" He asked.

Jackson skimmed the note and nodded. "Of course, I can. Meet me in the gardens by the oak tree in fifteen minutes."

Hoseok nodded. He rose from the bed and left Jackson's room. He saw Youngjae watching him from across the hallway. He walked over to him. "Not a word." He muttered and continued down the hall. He was ignoring Youngjae's questioning eyes.


Hoseok sat under the big oak tree, waiting for Jackson. The sun was shining brightly. But that did not cheer Hoseok. Even the rows of beautiful flowers could not bring a smile to his face.

Taehyung was gone, and Hoseok knew that he would not return. Hoseok no longer had a best friend. And he could never stop Taehyung from marrying a monster.

Hoseok's heart ached with sadness, and he needed to get rid of that feeling. The deep cold depression is taking over him. He could not let it take full control.

"Here." Jackson sat beside Hoseok and shoved a clear packet containing a white powder into his hand. "And do not ever tell anyone where you got it from. Alright?"

Hoseok nodded. Putting the packet into his pocket. "Thanks, Jackson."

"Just don't forget you owe me for that."

"Fine, whatever."

"Hoseok, why now? What happened?"

Hoseok glanced at Jackson. "Just a so-called friend being a dick."

Jackson hummed. "Yeah, people can be real arseholes. Hey did you know we are getting a new doctor today?"


"I saw it on their computer."

Hoseok laughed. "Is there anything that you can't find?"

"No." Jackson laughed with Hoseok. "They need to upgrade their security. But I hope they never do."

"Jackson, why are you in here?"

"Well, same as you. I'm an out of control junkie."

"Don't you want to get clean and leave this place? Have a life?"

Jackson shrugged. "There's nothing out there for me. My family disowned me. My friends did too. I'm an embarrassment to them."

Hoseok stared intently at Jackson. "We really are all the same. And you're not as bad as you make out. Can you try to treat Youngjae a bit better? I really like him. He's like a little brother to me."

Jackson sighed. "No promises, but I guess it can't hurt to try."

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