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A week passed, and Hoseok and jungkook had been getting on well and are now in a steady relationship. Hoseok continued to make Jungkook wait, but so far, Jungkook did not seem to mind.

Hoseok sat on the sofa in his apartment with his sister Kelly. She looked a hell of a lot better now than she had done before. But the doctors say she has post-traumatic stress disorder because of the attack. And since she does not know who her attacker was, the police have not been able to catch them.

"So, the only thing you know is that it was three girls," Hoseok said. "And they didn't say any names?"

Kelly looked at her hands in her lap. "No, I don't think so. One girl that seemed to be in charge of it all kept on saying it was my warning. But I can't remember anything else."

Hoseok sighed. "I suppose the main thing is at least you are okay, right?"

"Yeah, but not completely am I?"

"But you're alive Kelly." Hoseok hugged her. "And I won't stop trying to find them, bitches. I promise you."

"You're the best brother Hobi."

"And you're the best sister."

Kelly giggled. "Because I'm your only sister."

Hoseok winked. "Exactly!"

Kelly swatted Hoseok with a cushion.

"Hey careful or Tae will ground us. You don't want to miss your girlfriend's cushions."

Kelly's smile faded. She looked at the pink cushion. "I did think pink was strange even for you. So Tae has a girlfriend?"

"Yeah, she's a total bitch, and she lives with us now. So it's hell basically."

At that moment the bitch arrived. Honey barged into the apartment dragging Taehyung behind her.

"Babe, you're gonna rip my arm off!" Taehyung whimpered.

"Keep up then."

Taehyung rolled his eyes. Then caught sight of Kelly, his face lit up, and he ran to hug her. "Kelly! How are you? It's so good to see you again."

Kelly hugged him back. Honey cleared her throat. She glared at Kelly.
"Who are you?" She snapped.

Kelly looked visibly shaken; she seemed to be having trouble answering. Hoseok put his arm around her.

He stared at Honey. "My sister Kelly. What's it to you?"

Honey huffed. "Tae! Are you going to let him talk to me like that?"

Taehyung shrugged annoyed. "I don't control him; he does what he wants."

Honey put her hand over her mouth. She was very shocked by that. She stormed towards her room.

Taehyung said to Kelly. "Sorry about that. She's not very..."

"Nice?" Hoseok offered.

Taehyung sighed. "Whatever."

"I have to go," Kelly said, and before they could stop her, she sped out of the building.

"What the fuck?" Hoseok looked at Taehyung, who shrugged. "I should go after her."

Hoseok charged out of the apartment. He couldn't see her anywhere. Which way did she go? It is like she just vanished.


Hoseok had actually managed to make it to work early lately and thus, saved his job. And Mrs Lee had been a lot friendlier towards him. Things seemed to be going well. That was until Hoseok spotted someone watching him at reception.

"Fuck!" He whispered. "Jimin whatever you want, you might as well forget it. I'm not interested."

Jimin stepped closer. He looked so different, his blonde hair required a wash, and he was not dressed smartly like usual. There was no longer a smile on his lips, no light in his eyes. His gaze kept darting around his surroundings.

"Hoseok." He whispered. "I only want to tell you I'm sorry. it's not how it looked, please believe me."

"Jimin. What do you want me to say?"

"Nothing! Nothing. Just believe me is all. You look wonderful today. Be careful, okay?"

Hoseok could swear he saw tears in Jimin's eyes. Jimin put his head down and hurried outside.

Hoseok was totally confused. What the hell has happened to Jimin? Why did Hoseok feel the urge to believe him? After what he had done. Hoseok did not understand, but he will never forget that look on Jimin's face. It was hurt, desperation. Hoseok shook himself. He had to ignore it, Jimin is probably playing games, as Jungkook had said. That Jimin likes to mess with people. And that must be what he is doing. Well, Hoseok will not fall for it again.

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