I Will Keep You Safe

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Hoseok rushed into his bedroom. He tore the room apart. He could not find the pills anywhere. They should have been under his mattress, but no matter how many times he looked, they were not there.

"Are you looking for these?" Jimin asked from the doorway. He held a medicine bottle in his hand.

"Jimin!" Hoseok gasped. "I wasn't going to take them, I swear!"

Jimin stared at Hoseok. "It looks like you've taken quite a few already."

"That was before! I was going to throw them away!"

"How can I believe that Hobi?"

"I don't know." Hoseok wined. "But I swear to you, I don't want them anymore!"

Jimin shrugged. "Good. Then let's get rid of them. Are you truly ready to give them up?"

"Yes, I don't need them."

"Okay, good."

"Please don't tell Tae, he will be so disappointed in me."

Jimin brought Hoseok into his arms and kissed him. "Only if you promise never to use these or, any other drug again."

Hoseok swallowed. "I promise." He whispered shakily.

He followed Jimin into the bathroom. He watched as Jimin poured the pills into the toilet and flushed them away.

"Where were you today, Hobi?"

"Oh, I needed a walk."

"We usually go out together. Is there something wrong?"

"No, I just wanted to think about things...I'm okay."

"You would tell me if you weren't okay, right?"

"Of course." Hoseok smiled. Could he really tell Jimin about Jungkook? Probably not, at least not yet. As long as Jungkook leaves them alone, then Jimin will never need to know.


Eight months later

"Jackson?" Hoseok answered his phone. He put his book down. He was home alone, waiting for Taehyung and Jimin to get back from work. "What's wrong?"

"Hoseok! I fucked up. I'm sorry!"

"Wait, slow down. What's happened?"

"You need to hide Hoseok! He's coming for you!"

Hoseok's blood ran cold. "Wh-Who Jackson? Who is coming for me?"

"Jungkook! He escaped! He made me help him Hoseok! I'm so sorry! I couldn't say no to him. He wouldn't let me!"

"I understand Jackson. Don't worry. I'll be okay, thank you."

Hoseok hung up. He lied, he wasn't going to be okay. He was absolutely terrified. He called Taehyung and Jimin. Both calls went to voicemail. Hoseok left quick messages for both of them. "I need you! Please come back! I'm in trouble!" Hoseok then ran to the apartment door to lock it. He froze, his phone crashed to the floor. The door was wide open.

"Hooobiii." A voice sang behind him.

Hoseok could not turn around, nor could he run. He was petrified.

"Hobi, sweet little Hobi." Jungkook purred in Hoseok's ear. "I've come to take you, home baby." Jungkook covered Hoseok's mouth with a scarf, gagging him. He wrapped both arms around Hoseok's arms and chest. Hoseok wined and mumbled, as Jungkook scooped him up and carried him out of the building and bundled him into his car. Jungkook locked the doors, Hoseok could not escape. All he could do was cry and pray that Jimin or Taehyung would save him.

"Don't cry, baby." Jungkook stroked Hoseok's cheek. "I'm back now. I'll keep you safe."

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