Chapter 2: Escape

Start from the beginning

I remember my mothers death so vividly. She had a severe case of skin cancer. It spread all over her until it killed her. I had visited her every week until she died.

I can still remember the feeling of holding her hand in the hospital room whilst she took her final breaths.

Her last words were "I'm sorry, Allie. Tell Zeus and Poseidon that I'm s-sorry."

I cried over her cold, dead body for thirty minutes and that was all.

I shook the thought from my head. My mother told me I had her nose, which was the only thing we had in common. My mom's skin was naturally pale whilst mine was tanned. Her eyes were brown whilst mine ranged from blue to green. Her hair was dirty blonde whilst mine was black.

My mother was a short woman, her tallest being 5'6". I am 5'4.5" right now.

I always used to tease her because she had shrunk so much from the chemotherapy. She wasn't supposed to shrink, but her case was special, so she did. She had died one month ago.

And man, did I miss her.

I walked out of my room and went to the coffee shop in New Rome. I loved it here, but I had to go to the Greek camp to warn them. For some reason, the Iris-messages haven't been working, so I can't send them a message. If it was working, I would have sent them a message already.

I planned to sneak out later tonight whilst everybody was asleep.

It was 3:30 P.M. right now and dinner was at 5:30. I had two hours until then, so I walked around camp with a small coffee until I was at the borders. The guards let me exit, knowing where I was headed. I threw away my cup on the way out.

I walked down the familiar road until I reached the cemetery. I walked to my mother's grave and knelt in front of it.

I prayed to the gods that my mother had at least earned the Fields of Asphodel. Her actions in the past must have influenced where she would end up. Maybe she chose rebirth, I'll probably never know.

After praying to the gods, I stood up and walked to the Golden Gate Bridge. I sat by the water and let it touch my toes. I was wearing tan colored sandals with jean shorts and a Camp Jupiter shirt. I had left my praetor's robe in my room.

I unsheathed my sword and fiddled around with it. I had always preferred a sword, but I could use other weapons.

I had learned to use most weapons when I was in Tartarus and being tortured by Thalassa. In Tartarus, I had to make make-shift weapons all the time. When I was captured by Thalassa, I had tried to escape many times and had made make-shift weapons in order to do so.

I am skilled with a spear, dagger, bow and arrow, and of course, a sword. I am the best swordsman at Camp Jupiter. I often teach lessons in spear throwing, archery, dagger-fighting and swords-fighting.

I clapped the top of my left arm. My imperial gold dagger was still strapped to my bicep.

I put my sword back in it's sheath. I stood up and started back to camp. I looked down at my necklace and fiddled with the two beads and charm. A child of Vulcan had made me this so that I would always have a weapon on me. If I pulled on the charm that had an arrow on it, my quiver of bows appeared on my back and my arrow in my hands. Henry Anderson, the child of Vulcan, charmed my quiver so it would refill itself. If I pressed one of the silver beads on the necklace, my spear would appear in my hand. I am really lucky that he made me this, it saved my life countless times.

Everytime I see him I thank him. He had given me it as a secret santa present when I was twelve. He was the closest thing I had to a friend at camp.

Once I re-entered the camp, I saw all of the campers filing to the dining hall. It must have been dinner.

I ran to my room to get my robe. I am really not supposed to take it off, but I do so anyways. After I put my robe back on and rushed back to the dining hall, I sat next to Reyna at the head of the table.

I didn't talk to anyone, nor did anyone talk to me. This was the usual. I had no friends, no true family, but I still cared for them. They are all innocent. Many of them don't even realize that they are being rude by not speaking to me. Reyna always talked to people and people talked to her. I was always sitting at the head of the table next to her, yet no one talked to me.

I was used to it, not having any friends. I always tried to make new friends, but no one seems to want to talk to me. I don't know why.

Reyna snapped me out of my thoughts by saying "Allie, I want to talk with you privatley after dinner."

I nodded and she turned back to her conversation with Gwen. I went back to staring at my plate of chicken fingers and french fries.

Soon enough, dinner was over. Reyna and I walked up to the top of a hill and sat on a bench. Reyna broke the silence by saying "Allie, I want you to know that it's not you that the campers are afraid of."

I raised my eyebrow and asked "What are you talking about?"

"The campers here are afraid of you. That's why no one talks to you. They think that one day you'll explode, and no one wants to be there to have to pick up the pieces." Reyna said. She looked deep into my eyes that were now a transparent green. My expression hardened and I said "Oh..."

So people didn't want to be friends with me because of my parentage. I should have seen this coming. "The Greek's aren't going to be any better." Reyna stated bluntly. I looked at her again. She seemed to read my thoughts before I thought of them, she was always one step ahead. I really admired that about her.

I sighed and said "Was that all you had to say?"

Reyna nodded, and with that I left for my cabin. I don't care if the Greek's in general wouldn't accept me, at least it would be better than here. I have brothers at that camp. I entered my cabin and locked the door. I grabbed my pale blue backpack and started to pack. I grabbed three camp t-shirts, two pairs of jean shorts, a pair of sneakers, socks, nectar, ambrosia, drachma's, mortal money, and an extra dagger. Once I finished packing, I made my bed and looked in my mirror. I took a deep breath and looked at my alarm clock. It was 11:30 PM.

"Here goes nothing." I mumbled.

I would go to this Greek camp. I would warn them. I would help them. If they don't want me after that, I will go back to Camp Jupiter, where I am praetor.

Before I left my room, I took off my praetor's robe and laid it across my bed delicately. I looked at my right wrist. It had seven stripes. Above the stripes there was a trident and around that was a wreath, just like on the camp t-shirts. This indicated that my parents were both Zeus and Posideon.

I stepped out of my room and walked to the borders. I saw two boys guarding, they must have been around sixteen. I picked up a rock and chucked it in the opposite direction. I managed to hit something or someone, beacsue the two guards rushed over to where I threw the rock.

I made a bolt for it. I kept running until I was out of air and the camp was out of sight. I was out. I would go to Camp Half-Blood.


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