Chapter 17

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The frat house was so full of young girls and boys who were enjoying the party. Eleanor and I paced to the door to enter the house. As we opened it, Eleanor held my hand to walk me through the flooded crowd. When we see Barbara, Eleanor hugged her and then, I hugged her. It just normal thing girls do even we have some issues. When we reach a less crowded place, I turned my head to look at Eleanor.

"I don't know what I'm doing here," I chuckled. Basically, I didn't drink alcohol because I took care of my diet consumption and I hate crowded place because it hurts my chest so much.

"Just enjoy it, you're gonna have fun," she grinned.

"Katie!" Someone called out my name. It's Gabriel. Eleanor patted my shoulder to give me a sign that she will leave two of us alone. Gabriel paced towards me.

"Wow," I was shocked to hear that he was calling me.

"Katie!" He yelled and then, he laughed. When he stood in front of me, he said, "Do my eyes deceive me or are you really here?"

"I am really here," I laughed.

"You're not really a party person, aren't you? It's inevitable," he exclaimed.

"You're really drunk right now. I don't think you're gonna remember any of this," I exclaimed jokingly.

"No. I'm not drunk at all, you're just blurry," he replied and smiled at me.

"You okay?" I asked and laughed.

"Yeah," he said.

"Yeah? You almost fell over?" I asked. I pushed him at his chest. "Can you pass a sobriety test right now?"

"Yep," he stabilised himself after he was being pushed by me.

"Can you stand up straight?" I pushed him again.

"See how I come right back?" Gabriel fixed his standing position. "And I come right back."

"Right, wow!" I was impressed.

"Can I get you a zero-alcohol drink?" He asked.

"It sounds great," I said and smiled.

"I'm gonna get you a drink," he said.

"Go for it," he left me alone at the corner of the house.

I could see that Gabriel really wanted us to be close again, especially when I was asked to assist him in Math. I knew my boundary with him, I wouldn't cross the limit because I knew how Barbara would react if she knew I had crossed the boundaries.

"Guess what?" Eleanor came to me and held my shoulder. I frowned. "Lucas came!!" She excitedly said that. "He asked me out!!" She continued.

"What did you say?" I asked.

"Yes, of course," she replied.

"Wow, I think you're a sober right now. Are you sure?" I held her arms for her to stabilize herself.

"I'm sure, Kate! I'm not drunk," she said.

"Well, okay." I walked towards a chair and I put her there before I took a seat beside her. "So, when you're gonna go out with him?"

"I don't know, he gave me his number and then, he left," she explained. After that, my eyes caught Barbara was kissing. But, she wasn't kissing with Gabriel, instead, she was kissing Taylor.

"You gotta be kidding me," I rushed towards her and I took her from Taylor's embrace and put her arm around my shoulder to walk her over beside Eleanor. "Are you okay?" I asked.

Barbara nodded. This wasn't the first time she had done this, instead, she had done this countless time and I was always being her rescuer.

"What are you thinking, Barb?" I asked.

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