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Elisha wakes up around 8 am, last night she talked to Zack on the phone for two hours straight.

Then she called Tony after logging into Snapchat to get his number, now he was very worried and angry at the same time, they chat for an hour and a half. He got her stuffs from her ex roommates who moved out and she explained everything to him what's happening.

Evan was really worried and Kacy too.

Brendan and the guys are out today with their ex boss, she still doesn't know what they're planning to do or when she's getting to go back to Chicago.

Elisha walks down the stairs two hours later and sees Melissa cleaning,"hey, I am going to take a walk", she says.

"Okay dear and when you're coming back please pass by the mini mart and pick up these things on the list for me", Melissa hands her the list and money, she nods and leaves.

She strolls down the sidewalk watching her environment and waves at people who pass her on the opposite side. A teenager steps out from her house and puts on her headset about two houses up then tucks her hands in her pockets.

She had long curly chocolate brown hair wearing a skinny jeans with a tank top and converse in her feet, she walks down the sidewalk and turn left to the main road where vehicles are passing.

Elisha stops walking when a park catches her attention ten minutes later, there aren't much people around but mostly kids from age 7 to around 12 or 13 playing around the play park or on their phones for the older ones.

The adults were mostly females or babysitters, since it is after all summer time so parents have to work. There are flyers around  a camp will start from next week and registration ends on Friday, it'll be near a lake not far from here for three weeks.

"Mom I want to go camp, you promised last year that I would go this year", a seven year old boy tugs on his mother's dress while she talks on the phone.

"Yeah mommy", the girl next to him adds, they both share the same dark brown hair.

Probably twins.

"Guys mommy is on the phone right now, go play with your friends", the woman with light blue eyes looks down at them.

"But we want to-"

"I am busy, now go or else no ice cream later", the woman warns.

The two children go back to the swings with a sad expression, the boy pushes his sister on the swing as the other kids with their parent or babysitter sign up for the camp not far away.

Elisha sighs, she knows how that feels not to have your patent's attention around that age.

She walks up to the woman who is talking on the phone, "excuse me."

She watches Elisha,"yes? What do you want?"

"I know you're busy and all, but please don't ignore your children trust me, they'll grow distant from you once they get older", she advises.

"Aren't you a little to young to have a kid? How old are you? 21, 22?"

"I don't need to have a kid to know how they feel because I been their age and know what's it like to have your parents ignoring you", Elisha snaps.

"Why don't you mind your businesses dear? My kids are my problem not yours", the woman snaps.

"And when they turn out to be rebels by high school just remember who made them that way", Elisha states,"and they aren't a bother, they just want to go to a camp for three weeks. I would say that can be a mini vacation for you since you have them with you every day for the pass year", she adds handing her the flyer.

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