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When Elisha arrives in front of the apartment, she turns to Tony.

"Can book a flight to Chicago for me please?"


"The earliest one tomorrow morning", she gets out the car.

"Why Chicago of all places? Didn't you hear on news how many murder cases reported for the past year are still unsolved?"

"Just trust me okay, I promise to tell you everything someday", she swears.

"You better, so go start packing your luggage, I'll text you your flight time when I get one book", he drives off.

She went upstairs to her apartment, write a letter to her roommates, place it on the kitchen counter and went to pack her thing, her flight is at 5:30 am. She finishes packing 1 am and hears Felicity talking by the front door with Will.

She got three hours to sleep then have to call a taxi to go the airport.


"Great party last night man, to bad you missed it", Zane enters Brendan's room.

"Who gave you the keys to my house?" He demands.

"Your dear mother, remember she has a soft spot for me", Zane grins," why didn't you come my party man? Its not everyday you  turn 23 you know", he pouts.

"Had to do some stuff and make sure our shipment for the trade tomorrow night isn't short like last time", Brendan explains.

"When are you going to stop stress about the gang and live a little? Its been almost a year since you been laid", Zane teases.

"Sorry I'm not like an walking STD like you", he smirks and Zane fake gasps.

"I'll have you know, I get tested every week", he boasts.

"Whatever, tell Draven and Malcolm to be here by 1", he rolls his eyes.

"Make that 1:30 since they never on time, we know this since grade school even was late for their own sister's wedding", Zane laughs.

"I don't know how their future wives would put up with them, especially Draven", Brendan adds shaking his head.


Home sweet home, Elisha haven't been to Chicago in five years and  a lot had change, maybe her old high school classmates and friends. As soon as she left the airport, she had a late morning snack at the nearby coffee shop.

She told the driver to drive her to her old neighborhood where she grew up.  They drive slowly through the quiet neighborhood, it's almost lunchtime so most of the adults and housewives are preparing lunch as the kids or teenagers are still at school since it was now going to the ending of May.

She drops off at Brendan her childhood friend's old home, hopefully Mrs. Gunner still lives there. When she arrives the the two story house it has a sold sign on the lawn, they move?

She went to the neighbor's house and knocks on the door, the elderly woman opens it,"hello dear, can I help you?" She smiles. Its miss Elena, the woman who used to bring cookies for Elisha and Brendan when they had play dates. 

"Hey miss Elena, it's me Elisha", she smiles.

"Elisha?" she gasps,"I can't believe it look how you grown," she hugs her.

"I know, anyway do you know where the Gunner family is by any chance?" Elisha ask.

"They move when Brendan graduated high school, I have their address. Do you want it?" Elena looks at her.

"Thanks that'll be lovely", she nods.

"Be right back", she went inside.

An hour later Elisha is standing in front of a nice little house, it isn't as big as the one they used to live in but still has that welcoming atmosphere.

She rings the doorbell and a maid about a year younger than her opens it,"yes? How may I help you?"

"Is Mrs. Gunner there?" She ask.

"And who are you? She only sees family members", the maid frowns.

"Well she knows me really well since Brendan and I-"

"You know Brendan?" The maid gasps.

"I'll take it that he doesn't spare you a second glance", Elisha smirks.

"He will, who the hell are you anyway? One of his ex?" She snaps.

My my Brendan definitely became the player she knew he would of turn out to be.

"I'm Elisha and if you don't want to get fired, you will let me in", she demands.

"Elisha? Is that you darling?" Mrs. Gunner comes to the door,"go finish clear the bathroom and then bring us something to drink", she looks at her maid who nods and went inside.

Elisha hugs her as the tears come, she been holding up for to long.

"You look exhausted, also your mother stop contact me. What happened for the last five years?" They sit down on the swinging bench on the porch.

"A lot, but I didn't come here to stay. I need to talk to Brendan, where is he?" Elisha says.

"Busy with his ga- job", Mrs. Gunner replies almost spilling his secret.

"Where's Mr. Gun-"

"He left three years ago, I don't want anything to do with him again", Mrs. Gunner sighs sadly as her gray eyes flash with pain.

"You divorce?"

"No, just separated, I can give you Brendan's address but will have to tell me everything that happen soon", she points out.

"I will", Elisha nods.

"Are you staying for the summer? Looks like you are with that two luggage you have."

"Not sure yet, but once I talk to Brendan I'll see what I'm doing", she shrugs and the bitchy maid comes out with two glasses of lemonade.

"I better get going, its quite a drive from here to where Brendan's house is", Elisha gets up one hour later after having a heartily lunch with Brendan's mother.

"See you soon dear, don't be a stranger", she hugs her.


"My men spotted her taking a flight to Chicago", Damon says to Jett on the phone. He is in his apartment and very frustrated.

"Chicago? Why there out of all places?" He frowns.

"Because that's where she was born and raised for seventeen years also where her childhood friends live", Damon explains.

"Childhood friends? Like who?"

"You're in for a special treat because one of them happens to be no other than Brendan Gunner."

You got to be kidding me, Jett thoughts, out of all persons it just had to be his archenemy. Not only is his gang the strongest in Chicago, but also owns some territories here in Connecticut.

"Seriously him of all persons?" Jett groans.

"Yeah and getting her back will be a lot harder than we thought", he adds.


Short chapter I know, but next chapters will be a little longer since I have lots in store.

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