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"Go go go", Brendan signals when the smoke bomb goes off on the first floor.

The doors to the ballroom is lock, but through the window you can see the guests on the floor ducking.

He walks into the mansion and see some of the men unconscious on the floor.

Shots are going off in the back,"you go to the back, you come with me upstairs", he orders.

He points the gun as he walks slowly up the stairs, gunshots are fire from down the left hallway hitting one of his men in the chest.

He shots where the shoots came from,"we can't go down there till its clear, smoke bomb please", he says.

Malcolm hands him one, he pulls the pin and throws one down the hall, the man coughs which is a good sign and then go down the hall through the smoke.

"Search all rooms for her", he orders as he tries to open the door which the unconscious guard was standing by, lock.

He presses his ear against the door and hear something falls and a man curses. He shoots off the handle of the door and burst into the room,  Elisha is tie up to her bed post with a tape to her mouth. 

She looks so beautiful in that dress.

The guard is pointing his gun directly to him as Elisha's eye widen with surprise.

"Drop the gun and no one has to get hurt", the man orders.

Brendan smirks, this isn't the first time he been told this,"I think you're mistaken, I am getting out of here alive and with the girl too. Unharmed."

"Last chance."

Three bullets hit him in the chest one after the next, he drops to the ground face first. Brendan turns around and see Zane just put down his hand.

Brendan unties Elisha and take off the tape then she cries and hugs him,"thank you for saving me, but I don't know where they took Draven."

"It'll be okay, we'll find him let's get out of here", he hands her to Zane,"I'll meet you at the hotel, just get her out of here as quickly as possible", he orders.


Damon shots Brendan's men, he is hiding in the kitchen area behind the counter, shooting outside by the garden. Jett is on the other side of the mansion with Ace by the pool.

"Sir, the your daughter is gone", his right hand man ducks into the kitchen.

"Go after her,you fool", he snaps.

"We can't go through the front door sir, we're dead if we step one foot outside."

"Get Ace, go to the underground garage take the black car and go", his man leaves as he peaks from behind the counter and shoots, a bullet hits his right shoulder.

"Sh*t", he curses.

"Sir go, we'll cover you", his man suggests.

He ducks and runs out the kitchen holding his right shoulder in place, he comes face to face with one of Brendan's friends.

"Where is my brother?" He points the gun.

"You pull that trigger and I blow your head out", Jett stands behind him with his aiming at his head,"now drop the gun."

He hesitates, but lower his hand,"duck buddy", Brendan says and throws a smoke bomb between them.

Damon and Jett cough and falls unconscious to the floor, a woman screams. 

Malcolm and Brendan run to the front door and out into the front yard.

"We'll find your brother don't worry", Brendan assures him.

The Gang leader's Promise (wattys2021)Where stories live. Discover now