"Okay, well I'm off to bed. Night, Megs."

"Night Jods!" she called after me.

*Megan's POV*

I woke up the next morning on Jodie's sofa; I obviously didn't make it to the spare bedroom. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed my phone from where I left it last night after putting my cup out there, I had a new text.

From - Mum:

I take it you slept at Jodie's?

Crap. I forgot to tell my mum where I was last night, I text her back quickly,

To - Mum:

Yeah. Sorry mum, forgot to text, things kinda went from good to great and the excitement got the better of me, I'm staying here tonight aswell, if plans change, I'll let you know! Sorry again mum.

 Erugh, I hate having to text her where I am constantly,

"You forgot to text your mum again, didn't you?" Jodie asked from the kitchen doorway,


"Silly, why don't you move in here?" she suggested,

"Really?" I questioned,

"Yeah, I'm starting to get lonely now anyways, you can have the other room." she smiled,

"Yeaaaaaah!" I did a happy dance,

"Please stop, it's almost as bad as Siva's!" She winked, I acted hurt, "I'll help get your stuff tomorrow?" she continued, I nodded and phoned my mum telling her the news.

*Jay's POV*

I woke up to my alarm going off. I pressed snooze and rolled over,

"Jay get up now. Get in the shower. I'm already done and it's ten in the morning!" Nathan shouted,

"What the hell?"

"Come on!" he said as he dragged the duvet off the top of me,

"Erugh, what's that for."

"I'm going to pick Jodie and Megan up in a hour, get read and help tidy up the tour bus will you!"

"Wait, Megan's coming?"

"Well yeah, it was rude not to invite her ya know. People skills Jay!" Nathan muttered as he walked away, I sighed and grabbed my clothes for today out of my suitcase before going to the bathroom to get in the shower. 

Fifteen minutes later I was dressed, I walked out and started to help tidy the tour bus, 5 boys living on a bus wasn't a good idea, it was a mess.

"What time have you been up since?" I asked Nathan, he seemed well awake,

"Eight.” He replied shortly,


"You heard." He chuckled at my amazement.

"You never get up that early!"

"Yeah, well I like Jodie a lot!" He smiled,

"Awwww!" I smiled,

"Just don't upset Megan again please?"

"I didn't mean too!" I defended, I honestly didn't mean too, she didn't let me finish,

"Why don't I ask for her number and you can call her?" Nathan suggested, he really didn't want anything going wrong,

"Yeah whatever" I shrugged, he pulled out his phone and started typing within minutes he asked for my phone, I handed it to him and he started typing numbers in before holding the phone to his ear,

"Hiya Megan, it's Nath." I could hear her distant voice from the other side of the phone, "Yeah, someone wants to speak to you." He nodded at me before handing my phone back to me,


"Jay?" She sounded surprised,

"Yeah, erm, about yesterday, let me explain?"

"Go on then!" She giggled; she didn’t stay mad for long,

"I didn't mean for it to come out like it sounded and you didn't let me finish, I was just saying how quiet you were compared to what you were before." I explained, sighing,

"I feel so stupid now!" she giggled, I could picture her face palming right now.

"Don't, I should of been more careful with my words." I chuckled,

"Hush up, I better go now, got to ring my mum and explain what's going on before getting ready, see you soon Jay!"

"Bye Megs." I hung up the phone, feeling a lot better and happier than before. I smiled to myself before putting my phone on charge and helping Nathan tidy up around the others who were getting ready and moaning. All because Nathan wants to make a good impression on Jods.

"Nathan, if anything goes wrong with Jodie, you are NEVER liking another girl, I'm not getting up this early for any reason ever again!" Tom told Nathan, saying 'never' louder than the other parts of his sentence; Nathan smiled and turned his back on Tom before laughing.

"Shut it Sykes." Tom murmured, loud enough for Nathan to hear, Nathan turned back to Tom and stuck his tongue out, before carrying on with the tidying.

Half an hour later we were done, Nathan was having a quick cuppa before going to get the girls, he made us one before grabbing the car keys, shouting bye and leaving, within seconds of the bus door slamming shut, Tom pulled himself up and went back to bed, Max soon following, leaving me and Siva to watch the Jeremy Kyle show.

"Nath really likes Jodie, doesn't he?" Siva asked,

"Yeah, last night when you went out to get dinner, we were sat watching TV and all he could talk about was her, he'd speak about all cute things she does and how he got her number and they both wanted to meet up in the future." I sighed,

"Oh, so you were the one he let out all his romance too! Unlucky!" Siva laughed, I glared at him,

"How are you and Nareesha going?" I asked,

"Great, she's coming again later, obviously, after tour she's coming back to Ireland with me."

"All the fans want you two to do is get married and have kids." I smiled,

"Yeah, I know, it's nice to know they're all so happy and welcoming with our relationship, I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Okay, I don't need any more romance around me thanks, bloody hell, no wonder Niva lives on!" I joked; Siva pouted before laughing and got up to get the laptop,

"I'm thinking twitcam?" He suggested, I grabbed my phone and text Nathan,

To - Nathan:

Doing a twitcam so stop with the flirting when you get back:)

I smiled as I put my phone down and Siva logged in, setting up the twitcam and within minutes we were up and running, we had a few crude questions from some of the dirty fans which I was more the happy to answer whilst Siva cringed and laughed at me. Some other fans were asking for shoutout as stuff like that so we did as many as we could, within five minutes of being online we reached over 15,000 viewers, me and Siva did a mini happy dance sitting down whilst the fanmily took the mick. After an forty-five of being online we decided it was time to go, it was now noon, so after we had said bye, Siva left to go call Nareesha and I, once again, text Nath,

To - Nathan:

Where are you?

I soon got a text back,

From - Nathan:

Hiya, Jay, it's Jodie, Nathan decided he wanted McDonalds and ran into some fans, we'll be there soon. X

I typed a reply before setting my phone down and flicking through the TV channels, trying to find something to watch. Bring on the second concert at the 02 Arena!

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