Jacob Seed X Fem!Reader NSFW

Start from the beginning

You head tipped backwards and another moan, a louder one this time, as Jacob pushed into you and his grip on your hip tightened. Your fingertips dug into Jacob's back as he nipped and bit down your neck, occasionally grunting into your neck. Lifting his head up every now and again to place a kiss on your lips. His thrusts were controlled and steady, but hard and deep.

Meanwhile Staci Pratt walked up to the wooden cabin in the woods, where the soldiers had drove him and threw him in the dirt outside. Jacob and you hadn't shown up at the veteran center and the soldiers got worried, thinking that something must have happened. But none of them wanted to bother Jacob Seed, none of them wanted to risk getting him angry. So they sent Pratt, who was always given the worst jobs, which also included bothering Jacob Seed with anything.

He walked into the cabin, the soldiers had given him a key, and he was actually disappointed that it worked. He searched the downstairs of the cabin, surprised to find that it looked like a normal cabin and not the home of a murderous psychopath.

When he found nobody downstairs, he slowly made his way upstairs. He found a bathroom, with just basic hygiene products inside. What caught his eye was that there was some more feminine products, like floral scented shampoo, the thought of Jacob using that almost made Pratt laugh. He also couldn't imagine Jacob caring about those two fluffy towels that hung beside the shower.

Pratt walked further along and saw another open door, that led to a small office. Not the one the size of the one in the veteran center, smaller and more organised. Pratt really couldn't imagine Jacob Seed living like this.

Finally he came to a closed door and he could hear noise coming from inside but he couldn't make it out. Pratt paced back and forth outside the door, trying to build up the nerve to disturb Jacob Seed in his own home. He placed his hand on the door handle and closed his eyes, taking a breath, before opening his eyes again and pushing the door open.

Pratt stepped into the room but froze in the doorway. Of all the things he was expecting to see, Jacob fucking his right hand woman wasn't one of them.

Sure there had been rumors that they were hooking up but it quickly became clear to Pratt that you were actually living here. It would explain the floral scented products in the bath room and the organised desk in the office, it was your doing not Jacob's. He believed that you two were hooking up but nobody would ever believe that you two are living in some sort of domestic bliss.

Pratt was frozen in the doorway, he had no idea how to react.

The sound of the door opening and a sharp intake of breath caused you and Jacob to stop your movements. "...fuck...shit" you mumbled as you tried to compose yourself, grabbing the sheets to cover yourself, but you weren't able to see who it was at the door.

"What the-Peaches!" Jacob barked, even making you flinch. Pratt still didn't move, now paralyzed by fear instead of shock.

Jacob growled as he grabbed his jeans, that's when Pratt managed to get his legs to work and he bolted towards the stairs. Jacob jumped off of the bed and pulled on his jeans before running after the younger man. You cursed, throwing on a pair of sweatpants and Jacob's tee shirt that you were wearing the night before. Once you were dressed, you ran after the two men.

By the time you caught up with them Pratt was laying on the ground outside the cabin, on his back, with Jacob straddling his waist and gripping the collar of his shirt. "Who the fuck gave you permission?" Jacob asked, shouting in Pratt's face.

"Y-Your men s-sent me...t-they w-were worried" Pratt managed to stutter out before Jacob lifted his shoulders off of the ground, only to slam him back into the dirt.

"You wait for me. You do what I tell you to do. Never step foot in my fucking home again" the soldier growled as you walked over to them both.

"Come on Jacob, you aren't going to kill him here" you shook your head, placing your hand on his shoulder. "Put him back in the cages, I think he needs to remember where he belongs" you suggested.

"See, I knew there was a reason that I kept you around" Jacob smirked, standing up and stepping away from Pratt's body.

"I'll go call some men to pick him up" you nodded, walking back towards the cabin. You knew that the options were to either send Pratt back to the cages or watch Jacob beat him to death outside of your home. You made the call and men began to drive over, Jacob got dressed properly to hand Pratt over to his men while you stayed inside.

Once Pratt had been driven away, Jacob walked back into the cabin, and you were waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs. "You think he is going to say something?" you asked as Jacob walked towards you.

"I'm sure we scared him enough, he will at least keep his mouth shut for few days while he is in the cages" Jacob huffed. This had definitely put you both into a bad mood, it wasn't a great way to wake up in the morning.

"So...should I get dressed and meet you at the veteran center?" you asked, about to turn and head for the stairs.

"I told them that I'd be late" he told you as he grabbed your wrist and pulled you back, causing you to spin around and slam into his chest.

You smiled up at him and you snaked your arms around his neck, you let out a startled but quiet yelp as you were lifted off of the ground. You instinctively wrapped your legs around Jacob's waist as he held you by the thighs, walking you up the stairs as you lowered your lips to his.


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