Chapter Thirty Six

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A week had passed since the funeral, the house was slowly beginning to recover from the recent deaths of their two family members.

They will never be forgotten, their pictures have been put on the wall with the word 'HERO'S' painted just above.

Hearts broke when they looked at the pictures, but no more tears were shed. Moods were all over the place but that had been expected.

The bet about Yoongi and Jimin had been called off, even when the two had got together no one claimed the money. Their moods weren't in the right place to continue with the bet.

Taehyung and Jungkook had gotten closer with each other within these weeks, the younger clinging to Jungkook's side.

The Black Dragon's had been defeated, even though they had won the victory no one celebrated the win.

Taehyung was laying in his and Jungkook's shared bed, his head resting on the older's chest as he listened to his heartbeat.

The room was silent as the both of them embraced each others warmth.

Just laying there in a comfortable silence had Taehyung's eyes closing, he could feel sleep beginning to take over his body.

But before he could even think about falling asleep, he was jolted awake by Jungkook's voice.

A laugh could be heard leaving his boyfriends lips "Sorry," he said "Did I scare you?"

Taehyung looked up at him with a small glare and a pout of him lips "You sure did! I was falling asleep," he said through his pout.

The older just laughed again, his head shaking before he kissed the younger's lips "Sorry baby, I didn't mean to scare you."

A small huff left his lips, his glare not leaving his face as a blush tinted his little cheeks "What do you want?"

The older flashed him a small smile "I just wanted to tell you that I love you."

A small gasp left the younger's lips, this was the first time that he's heard the older say that to him and it came at a real shock.

The younger knew that he loved the older male, but he didn't want to tell him in fear that he'd reject his feelings.

But hearing him say those words that he has been waiting for first, it made his little heart skip a beat and millions of little butterflies to flutter around in his little stomach.

Just hearing those words got the younger emotional, tears brimming his eyes as he climbed on top of the older and wrapped his arms around his neck tightly.

A smile was on his lips as he pressed his lips against the others in a deep but loving kiss, showing the older that he felt the same way about him.

No words could describe how happy the younger was feeling in this exact moment, with his lips pressed to his boyfriends.

Those simple words filled his heart with so much it was unbelievable.

Their lips moved in sync as they enjoyed each others embrace, enjoyed the way their lips moved perfectly with each others.

These past weeks have been tough on them and everyone else, but right now in this moment all that mattered was the two of them.

Finally they both pulled away from the kiss, both of them breathing heavily as the oxygen began to flow back into their lungs.

Taehyung pressed his forehead against his boyfriends, a smile on his face as he looked lovingly into his eyes.

"So does that mean you love me back or?" The older asked.

A small laugh of joy left the boys lips as he nodded his head "Of course I do silly!" He smiled "I love you too Kookie, so much."

Their lips met again but this time it was shorter than the first one, but that didn't matter because once they pulled away they went straight back to cuddling with each other.

"Do you think life will get any better?" The younger asked after a few minutes of silence.

A small sigh could be heard coming from the older, his shoulder shrugging slightly "I'm not sure angel, all we can do is really hope."

A small frown formed on Taehyung's lips as he nodded a little "It'll be nice if it does," he mumbled "My life really hasn't been the best."

"Hey!" He heard Jungkook say in fake anger.

"Meeting you and everyone has been amazing, you guys make me happy," he quickly said "But the majority of my life hasn't been the best, you know that."

"I know angel, I was just messing," he replied "I'll try and make the rest of your life better than it has been, seeing you happy makes me happy."

Taehyung nodded with a small smile "And seeing you happy makes me happy, even if we started off on bad terms I'm happy that I get to call you my boyfriend."

"I still feel bad about that, but I'm glad you gave me forgiveness even if I didn't deserve it," he heard "And I'll do everything in my power to make you feel like the prince that you are, everything that has happened to you is my fault and I can never forgive myself for that."

"It's fine Kookie," he mumbled, playing with the older's fingers.

The older shook his head "It's not fine, you went through hell because of me. You were taken from me because they knew that you are my weakness," he sighed "But even if you're my weakness, I will always love you and do my very best to protect you."

"I will always love you too Kookie," he replied, pressing a soft kiss to the males chest.

"Even after everything I put you through, you still love me?" The younger nodded his head.

"It's all in the past now, I may not forget what has happened but they can be replaced with new memories," he smiled "New memories with you and the rest of the family."

"I'm glad," the older smiled.

"And I hope someday that maybe we can get married, but that's just wishful thinking," he mumbled, his eyelids getting heavier each second.

He could feel his boyfriends hand begin to lightly stroke through his hair, the feeling lulling the younger into a peaceful sleep.

But as his mind finally went blank, leaving for the land of dreams for a few hours he missed the last few words that left his boyfriends lips.

"Someday we'll get married, I promise."


Lot's of time skips. Sorry.


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