Chapter Nineteen ✔

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It's been a full week since he had last seen Taehyung, and through that whole week he took out his anger and stress on his two hostages.

He felt that he had completely fucked everything up between him and the younger, all because he couldn't hold himself back from kissing those lips.

His conversation with Namjoon didn't help much, the guy has been teasing him about his feelings on the younger all week and there hasn't been a moment when he hasn't wanted to cut that man's tongue out of his mouth.

Every time he had walked past the younger's bedroom, he could hear his soft cries and it honestly hurt his heart.

There have been so many times that he had just wanted to knock on the door and get the boy to talk to him, but he knew that it would never work because clearly he didn't want to talk to him.

At the moment he was sat in the dining room and there was still no sight of the younger boy, this made him frown on the inside.

He just wanted to see him, even if it meant not talking to him then so be it.

Sighing, he was about to announce that everyone could eat but he was immediately cut off by Jin standing up from his chair "I've had enough, I'm going to bring that kid down whether it be by force or not."

Most of the people looked at him like he was insane, others confused while both Namjoon and Jungkook just sat there with a straight face.

"Just give him a little longer, he's clearly not feeling up to communication," Namjoon said.

But Jin just shook his head "I'm tired of not knowing why my baby isn't happy, so if you'll excuse me," he said before walking out of the room.

Everyone watched as he left the room, this just made the male roll his eyes slightly not really caring if he was here or not before announcing that everyone could eat.

Everyone were all clearly hungry and didn't want to wait for the man who would probably take a while to come back down, most likely empty handed.

It was probably about half an hour later when Jin was walking back into the dining room, and to Jungkook's and everyone else's surprise he had actually managed to bring the boy out of his bedroom.

Everyone's eyes were on the two, Jin just shrugging it off as he walked back over to his spot which was beside Namjoon.

Jungkook's eyes never left Taehyung's; he was just staring into his eyes while he walked closer to him.

Before he knew it, the boy had climbed into his lap and wrapped his arms around his neck as he hugged him. He could feel the boy nuzzle his head into the crook of his neck as he hugged him tightly.

He sat there shocked for a while, all eyes on the two with questioning and confused eyes but Jungkook chose to ignore them all.

Slowly, his hands found their way around the boy's waist as he hugged him back just as tightly.

He'd probably regret showing slight emotion to the men and women that sat around the dining table, but right now he couldn't really care.

The one person he has been longing for was finally here, in his arms as he hugged him tightly.

Not wanting to be here in the burning gaze of everyone, the man stood up keeping the younger in his arms.

Not wanting to fall, the younger wrapped his legs around the man's waist while the other held him up tightly.

"Forget whatever you saw," the man said towards everyone, earning quick nods as he glared at the lot "Now if you'll excuse us."

He finally took his leave, leaving a bunch of stunned people sitting there watching the man walk out with the kid clinging to him like he was a koala bear.

Meanwhile, Jin and Namjoon were the only ones who were quietly eating their food while everyone just sat there frozen in their seats.

Some with food falling out of their opened mouths, others with wide eyes and even some with food half way to their mouths.

Jungkook only rolled his eyes, walking out of the dining room making his way up the stairs and to his bedroom.

A smile had slowly began to form on the man's lips as he felt the younger hug him tighter along with the feel of his delicate lips pressing a soft kiss to his neck.

Once he reached his bedroom door, he pushed it open and walked inside kicking the door closed as he walked over to his bed sitting down on it.

To his surprise, the boy never once made a move to even get off of his lap he just stayed where he was.

Jungkook gently pulled the boy away from his slightly so that he could look into his eyes; placing a gentle hand on the boy's cheek "I really am sorry for what happened last week."

The boy only shook his head, a small smile on his lips as he slowly, his eyes welling up with tears; he was on the brink of crying once more "It's fine Kookie."

Jungkook had never heard the boy once give him a nickname other than 'asshole', so hearing that small nickname fall from the others lips brought a smile to his lips.

"But are you really sorry?" He heard him say, but not wanting to lie he shook his head.

"No," he said "I'm not sorry I kissed you because I liked it, but I'm sorry for anything that I have done and said in the past."

A small tear rolled down the boys cheek, this made the man frown and slowly wipe the tear away "It's okay Kookie, I'm sorry as well."

Jungkook straightaway shook his head "You have nothing to be sorry for, I was the one who started it. I'm the one who took you away; I'm the one who is the cause to all of your pain."

The younger just shook his head, more tears flowing from his eye sockets. He didn't know why he was crying, but he knew he couldn't stop them.

Jungkook continued to wipe away the boys tears "Please don't cry, seeing you like this makes me want to cry and I never cry."

A small laugh left the boys lips "I'm sorry," he said "I don't know why I'm crying, but I don't hate you for taking me away. I did at first but I'm glad you did, yes you caused me pain but that's okay, I've felt worse."

Hearing that made the male frown "What do you mean?"

"I'll tell you when I'm ready," he said with a small sad smile, gently placing a hand on the man's face "But right now, I don't want to think of bad. I want to think of you and the way you make me feel, for a man I thought I'd never like you sure know how to change a mind."

A small laugh left the man's lips; he leaned forward and pressed his forehead against the others.

"I don't know how you did it, and I know it's only been a few weeks but," he took in a deep breath and looked into the boys eyes.

"I really like you Kim Taehyung."


Runaway (KTH & JJK) **EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now