Chapter One ✔

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Jungkook sat behind his desk, feet kicked up on it as he listened to what the plans would be for their next 'outing'.

They had just found out that the Black Dragons would be carting in some drugs in the next five days down in the docks.

This was great news for the young Mafia leader; he can finally take those fuckers out like he wished for.

They've been getting in his way ever since they came around, they've caused him so much trouble and he's sick and tired of it.

He's lost quite a few men to those bastards; just thinking about it makes his blood boil with anger.

Once he's finally taken them out, he can live a semi peaceful life.

His mind was racing with ways he could take out their boss, but those thoughts were cut off by Namjoon, his Second in Command and the brains of the whole operation with a loud cough.

"Jungkook!" He shouted, causing the male to shake his head.

He sat up in his seat, bringing his chair forward so that he could rest his arms on his desk instead.

"Did you catch a word of what I just told you?" He asked with a small glare to which the younger shrugged his shoulders.

"Not really, mind repeating yourself? I promise I'll listen this time," he said with an emotionless facial expression.

With a sigh, Namjoon nodded his head "I said that we should set off early on Wednesday so that we can find some good hiding places so that we aren't caught by them."

Jungkook nodded his head "How many men will be turning up to the docks that day and do you know how many men that I will need to send out on that day as well? I cannot afford to lose any more men to those fucking bastards."

"I heard that they're going to only be sending a small party of five people to pick up the drugs, if we can capture their men and bring them back we could try and convince them to give us the location of where they're located," Jimin piped in which Jungkook nodded his head.

"And if they don't comply, I'll just torture it out of them," he said with an evil grin "I've been meaning to get my hands dirty for a long time now."

"Of course you have," Jungkook said with a roll of his eyes "Okay, so I'm thinking maybe me, you, Namjoon, Hoseok, Jackson and three other men should head out there on Wednesday. I'm not going to make it five because that's a fair fight then and you know I don't like fair fights."

Everyone in the room nodded their heads.

"We'll have to sneak in on them, but don't get noticed we need them to think their alone so that they can't call for back up, got it?" A chorus of 'Got its' sounded through the board room causing a grin to form on the younger's lips.

"We'll head out in two cars then," Namjoon said before placing down a small map of the docs on the table, two places circled "The places circled on the maps is where two teams will be split okay?"

"We'll have Team A which will consist of Jungkook, Jimin, BamBam and I," he said as he wrote down the names on the section labelled 'A' "And Team B will be Hoseok, Jackson, Mark and Jaebum," he said marking their names down.

"What's going to be our plan of attack?" Hoseok asked, his arms crossed over his chest.

"I was thinking when we get there, in our teams we'll split up into twos in our sections and mark one of the Black Dragons members that way it'll be easier for us not to be caught," Jimin said which earned him nods and hums of agreement.

"If you want to kill one of them, please only make it three of them. I only need two members of them coming back here but we can decide that when we've got them all," Jungkook said "Once we've got them, we'll all meet up in the middle and line them up, we'll chose the two weakest links to bring back because that gives us more of a chance of finding out where those fuckers hold residence, and for the rest of them do whatever you want with them."

"Yes sir," everyone said.

"Good, I'll hold another meeting in three days' time to go back over the plan and add any last minute details to it. For now, plan your attack, train hard and get plenty of rest. I'll see you all in three days' time, you're dismissed," he said, shooing everyone out of the boardroom.

Everyone left the room, leaving Jungkook to lie back in his chair kicking his feet up on his desk.

In five days' time he'll finally have some decent information on those fucking Black Dragons.

He can finally take those fuckers down.

But little did he know, his whole plan is going to end up failing.

But for now his mind sticks on the plan that they had all just came up with, the plan that he was so sure that he and the others are going to accomplish.

In five days' time, his life is going to take a drastic turn.

But will it be for the better? Or will it be for the worse?

His life is already filled with shit, but it's only going to get worse.

This is only the rain before the storm.

What's he going to do when the storm finally kicks in?

But he'll never know until the time is right.

For now, he's focused on his true main goal and that is to take out the Black Dragons and their horrible fucking leader.

With a heavy sigh, he closed his eyes as he relaxed back into his desk chair.

The next few days are going to be rather eventful, but it's not like he's not used to it.

But as he finally drifted off to sleep, all his worries faded away only for a few hours.

But that's all he needed.

He's Jeon Jungkook.

His life will always be eventful, dangerous and soon to be, very worrisome.


Runaway (KTH & JJK) **EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now