Chapter Twenty Nine

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It's been exactly three days since those bastards had taken Jungkook's precious boy away from him, three days he's been losing his mind worrying about what they could be doing to him.

In a pure rage, he killed both men from the Black Dragon's gang. Giving up with gathering information, he'd rather get his boy back than continue with those men.

The one guy just laughed at him before he received a bullet straight to the forehead, while the other kept begging for mercy.

Clearly he was trying to force information out of the wrong guy, even though this one wouldn't give anything out he told them a lot of things in hopes of not dying but that did nothing. He as well received a bullet to the forehead.

He received the location of where the Black Dragons reside in along with some of their weaknesses.

This was some good information but right in this moment, he couldn't give a fuck. Yes it's good for taking them down, but the male was too blinded by his rage to even think out that.

But he knew that he'd take these fuckers down when he goes to get his baby, whether it'll cost him his life or not.

He'd rather have his little prince alive and well than being in the arms of the one man he despises, the one man he can't wait to see dead.

Along with the man he thought was one of them, but the dirty fucker was just undercover for those bastards.

He wants them all dead, nothing is going to hold him back from just running in there guns blazing. 

Jungkook didn't realise this until now but he was actually falling for the younger boy, he doesn't even know when or why but he knows that the boy was the only one he truly wanted in his life.

Jin hasn't been out of his room for three days straight, he refuses to leave his room or do anything.

That man had grown such a bond with the younger, he was like his child even if they only had so many years of age difference between each other.

Jungkook took in a deep breath before he was slamming the door to the meeting room open, this causing everyone in there to jump in their seats as they watched the man walk over to his seat.

He sat down in his chair before he looked up at everyone, an emotionless expression upon his face.

"Right, you've had three days to gather information on the place after that wimp finally blurted shit out. Tell me what you've got," he said, getting straight to business.

"From what we've seen the sources that we've got, they have about eighty men altogether," Namjoon replied, turning on the board in the room to show everyone.

"We've also got the layout of the house," he explained, clicking on the small remote that turns the slide.

On this slide it showed the layout of the house and the garden "I believe that they could be keeping Taehyung down in their basement."

"You believe or you know?" He asked, glaring at the man.

"I believe seeing as they don't exactly have anywhere else on this property they could be keeping him," he replied.

"Actually," Jimin spoke up "I went and checked out the place yesterday and they have this abandoned building a little further down, there looked to have been men guarding the place and I could hear faint screams," he explained "And they faintly sounded like Taehyung."

Just hearing that broke Jungkook's heart, his boy could be being tortured by these bastards and there wasn't much that he could do "How many men are guarding the building?"

"There about five of them but also three that are walking around, it looks like they are clearly expecting us to come," he replied "So we need a plan Jungkook, we can't go marching in there like you originally planned."

Sighing, he nodded his head because it's true. They couldn't just go marching in there, this is serious and he most likely will lose men trying to get his boy back.

"I want us all to be in groups," he started "If we're going to do this I'm going to need groups of men taking fight in the house, and I want a group of men to come with me to the place behind their house."

Murmurs of agreement could be heard around the room before Namjoon was speaking up again "If we're doing groups then I have a few ideas who can be in each group."

Jungkook nodded his head "Go on."

"Altogether we have about seventy men so they've got a small advantage over us being they have extra ten men," he started "We'll have four groups that consist of fifteen members and one group consisting of ten members, it may be a large amount of members just for one group but remember they do have the added ten so we're going to all need to back each other up."

Everyone nodded their head as they agreed with Namjoon's statement "We'll figure out who goes in what group later but for now we'll sort the one of ten, this is the group that will be going with Jungkook to the building out back."

"I want Hoseok and Jimin in my group, I'll like you to lead one of the groups of fifteen. Some of these guys are pretty fucking stupid and will need a smart guy in their group," he said before looking at the rest of the people "No offence."

Namjoon nodded his head "Then we'll have Jungkook, Hoseok, Jimin, Jackson, Mark, Jae, Brian, Jaehyeong, Woosung and BamBam for the group of ten," he said as he wrote down the names for that group "This'll be named group one."

"What will be our plan of attack?" Jimin asked.

"I think we need to sneak up on the building, have three of us take down the three who are walking around while the rest of us get the other five," Hoseok said "We should keep these attacks quiet as we don't need to alarm others if we can help it."

"But won't they come out when the others go and attack the house? Wouldn't that notify them that maybe some will be aiming for the building out back?" Jackson asked.

"That's true, so that mean's we'll have to keep some men on guard outside while the others go to get Taehyung," Jimin replied with a small nod.

This discussion had gone on for hours, but by the end of the night they finally had a plan of attack and all the groups sorted out.

They planned to set off in the next two days, needing a little more time in cleaning up the plan before anything could happen.

Just two more days and Jungkook will finally have his boy back.

And he's not going to rest until he finally has him back in his arms.


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