Chapter Thirty Three

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Get your tissues ready.



The fight was bad, the men were falling injured but no one gave up. All continued to fight even with bullet wounds and severe injures.

No one fell dead, only the enemy falling to their knees as they took their finally breath before finally collapsing into their own pool of blood.

The first wave of men had been defeated, but it wasn't long until the second wave came out with their guns aimed ready to end our lives.

Hoseok had taken cover behind a huge tree, he could faintly hear his boyfriend shouting that he was going to head for Taehyung.

He wanted to shout at him not to do that, for him to wait for all of them to finish outside but he could barely get his words out as shots were being fired in his direction.

Cursing under his breath he fired back, trying to keep his eyes on his boyfriend but on the enemy as well.

When the enemy fell dead to the ground, he heard Jungkook shout for him to go after Jackson. He didn't need to be told twice as he ran after his boyfriend.

He made sure to aim at enemies on his way to the door, he could hear shots sounding through the inside of the building.

Just as he got closer to the door, the loudest bang had been set off.

With one foot inside the building, he watched as blood began to roll down his boyfriends lips.

"No!" He shouted, running over and catching Jackson's body in his arms as he felt blood running onto his hands.

He looked up, seeing Taehyung crying and screaming in his seat but his eyes moved away from him to see the culprit who had just shot his boyfriend.

And there he stood in his glory Chae Hyungwon standing there with a smirk, gun in his hand as he laughed.

Just as he was about to get up and attack him, he felt a wet hand touch his cheek causing him to look down at his boyfriend.

"Jackson," he whispered, holding him close to his body "You'll be okay, we'll get you out of here okay? Yoongi will fix you up and you'll be as good as knew," he said, tears brimming his eyes.

Jackson only shook his head with a small smile "It's okay sunshine, this is my fault for being so stupid."

"Don't say that! It's not your fault! It's that asshole's fault!" He cried.

A small cough left Jackson's lips, blood falling onto Hoseok's shirt "I love you sunshine, just r-remember that okay?"

Hoseok shook his head, refusing to believe this is happening "You're not going to die! I refuse, you aren't leaving me Jackson! We're supposed to get married and have kids and a happy family!" He shouted.

"I-I-I'm sorry sunshine," he replied, a tear slipping from his eye as he clutched onto his boyfriends shirt as he flashed him a small smile "You'll find someone else," he said, his voice cracking "But please never forget me, okay?"

"You're not leaving me!" He cried, pressing his forehead against the others "I was planning to propose to you! You can't say that.. you can't!"

The life in Jackson's eyes could be seen to slowly be fading, his life slowly coming to an end as he clutched onto his boyfriends shirt "I love you Hoseok, forever and always. Even if not married, till death do we part."

"I love you too, but stop saying that," he said "You can't leave me.."

Slowly Jackson's hold on Hoseok's shirt began to loosen "Never forget me," he said, his hand soon falling to his stomach as the life in his eyes were finally drained.

Hoseok let out a loud sob, hugging Jackson's body to his chest as he shook his head refusing to believe that his boyfriend had passed "Come back to me damn it!" He shouted.

But no matter how many times he said it, his boyfriend never spoke up.

Looking up, he could see Hyungwon laughing at the scene in front of him.

This triggered something inside of the male, he gently placed his boyfriend on the ground as he stood up "You fucking asshole!" He shouted, lifting his arm to aim at the man.

But luck wasn't on his side, just as he was about to pull the trigger he felt a burning sensation in his back as he felt hits from behind.

He stood still as blood slowly rolled from his lips, he looked down to see blood forming on his white shir.

His grip on his gun loosened before it fell to the ground with a thud.

He fell to his knees, his eyes looking down at his boyfriend and with a tearful smile he whispered "I'll see you soon."

With one last finally breath, his body crashed to the floor as the life in his eyes were finally drained.

Everything around the two lovers were black, the world around them no longer existing as their bodies lay together without life on the concrete floor.

Hands on top of each other.

Even in death they will be together.


Sorry it was short.

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