Chapter Twenty Four ✔

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A small frown formed on the younger's lips as he watched tears pour from the older male's eyes, gently wiping them away.

It hurt his little heart hearing the man say those words, he'd never leave him. Maybe he wanted to when he first arrived, but as time went on those feelings of leaving left.

When being in the man's arms he felt all kinds of things, things that he had never felt before and he liked it.

Gently, he wiped away the male's tears once more as he pressed a soft kiss to the man's forehead before flashing him a weak smile, "I'll never leave you Kookie."

He watched as a small smile formed on the male's lips as he nodded his head slightly, "I'll never leave you either, Tae," he replied, bringing their foreheads together.

Both of their eyes fell shut as they just laid there with their foreheads touching, they didn't want to say anything.

They just allowed themselves to cry while wiping away each other's tears, no matter how much they wanted to talk about the thing that happened earlier not one of them could bring themselves to start the conversation.

It was a situation that hurt poor little Taehyung, bringing back memories of things that had happened. Past things that he didn't want to remember, but after seeing that man it brought them all back.

He slowly began to believe that he could finally be happy, but who was he to believe something like that? His life could never be the way he wanted it to be, bad things are supposed to happen to him.

Like something was trying to hold him back from having the life he deserved.

When they both finally calmed down, Taehyung settled with laying down beside the male with his head lightly pressed into his chest with an arm over his stomach as he cuddled up to him.

The man also had his arms wrapped around the boy, holding him close to his body like if he didn't he would fade away leaving him all alone.

Their eyes may have been closed but not one of them had been accepted into slumber, their minds running around with thoughts that were keeping them up.

All Taehyung could think about was the time when he lived with that man, the constant beatings and name callings roaming around his mind not allowing him to sleep.

It was like they didn't want him to sleep, it was like they wanted him to remember everything that happened.

Every time one would come to mind, he slightly flinched at the thought which caused the older to hug him tighter like he was reassuring him that he was okay and that he was here with him, telling him that he wasn't going anywhere nor would he allow him to get hurt.

But he wasn't going to cry again, he didn't want to cry anymore nor would his body produce more tears for him to cry, it was like he had just cried everything out even though he had more things to cry about.

He didn't want to sleep either, fearing that if he did he would only be consumed by nightmares of his life before now.

Nightmares that will end up keeping him awake for the rest of the night, nightmares that will just make him not want to sleep ever again even if it meant passing out later on, he didn't care.

He didn't want nightmares, they always felt so real that he could even feel what was happening to him in his dreams.

His eyes began to open slightly as he tilted his head up a little so that he could look up at the older, his voice barely audible but the man still catching what he said, "Kookie?"

He watched as the man's eyes slowly opened, looking back down at him a small hum leaving his lips indicating for the younger to go on.

"I'm sorry that our night was ruined," he mumbled, looking away from him with a small frown.

"It's okay angel," he heard him reply, "It wasn't your fault so you have nothing to apologies for, it was that man's fault."

Taehyung could only manage a small nod, not being able to find the right words to reply with.

"But may I ask you a question? You don't have to reply if you so wish not to do so," he then said.

Taehyung just nodded again, looking up at the man once more, "Ask away."

"May I know who that man is?" He asked.

A little sigh of relief faintly left the younger's lips, he was a little happy that the male never heard him call that male his father.

He didn't want him to know, well not yet at least. It's a story he just can't tell, the wounds are still fresh to him and when fresh wounds are made all you can do is let time heal them whether it be a few weeks, months or maybe even a year.

But all wounds are different, they all take their own time to heal and his wounds still need healing.

It was like when he thought about the situation, he was pulling away his plaster because his wound had become irritated so he picks at the wound in hopes of it stopping but this only causes it to bleed once more, giving it more time to heal.

With a small shake of his head he replied with a small, "No, you can't know," he mumbled looking away, "Not yet at least."

"That's fine," he heard him reply, "Take as much time as you need angel, just know I'll always be here if you need to talk."

The younger nodded his head a little, hugging himself closer to the older.

"Now go to sleep my love," he felt a small kiss being pressed to the top of his head, "It's already late."

"Okay," he mumbled, "Goodnight."

"Goodnight," the other replied.

With a small smile, he closed his eyes once more as he enjoyed the warmth radiating from the other's body.

It still took the younger a while, but soon he was feeling his eyes begin to get heavy as sleep finally consumed him.

Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day for him.


Runaway (KTH & JJK) **EDITING**Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora