Chapter Thirty One

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The two days have finally passed, everyone in the house ready to take their leave to go and bring back Taehyung.

All plans of attack have been made, all groups have been separated into different cars so no one will get confused by just taking random cars.

Jungkook's group leading the way to the Black Dragon's house, all prepared for a fight.

There will be deaths tonight, but no one will be forgotten. 

It's going to be hard and they all know that, this group is just as strong as his own and he knows that.

All have been trained well, all know their way around a fight and how to protect themselves for as long as possible.

You could feel the tension in each car, all worrying about if they were going to be the one that dies tonight.

But they were honoured to die, they honoured their rolls in this group and were prepared to die fighting no matter what.

They all knew it came with being apart of this, they all knew the consequences from the moment they were born into this world.

Fight's like this don't happen often, but even so they were all prepared for something like this happen.

They didn't care they were sacrificing their lives for Jungkook's boyfriend, even if he had not been involved this fight still would've happened sooner or later.

Both Jungkook and the boss of the Black Dragon's have been at each others throats for years, both of them over throwing each others businesses or capturing their men for information.

This fight was bound to happen, and that time has finally come.

Jungkook wasn't afraid, he wasn't afraid of dying. He just wanted his baby to be back home and in safe caring arms of the Kim's and the rest of the family members.

He had already told Taehyung that he'd die for him, that he could not promise something like that when his heart would rather have his boy alive than himself.

Tonight was the night they found out their fates, whether they'll still be alive and breathing together the next day or if one of them will only be making it out alive.

Jungkook's facial expression has been emotionless ever since Taehyung was taken, he couldn't bring himself to be happy.

His mind has been on this fight ever since that day, planning strategies and plans to get his boy back home.

The drive to the Black Dragon's took over an hour, no one talking to each other not having it in themselves to start a conversation.

When they all arrived in their destination, everyone pilled out of the cars and formed around Jungkook for the finally words from their boss.

Taking in a deep breath, he spoke up "You are my family, you have served this family with the well deserved respect. Some of us may die tonight, but that's okay. This is what we have all been training for, we've all been trained for fights like this. You will die with honour and respect. We will always be a family and no one will be forgotten," he started.

"Each and everyone of you are strong, I've known most of you since I was younger. I respect and idolise all of you even if I don't show it. Tonight we will win with victory, I have faith in all of you that we will not lose. Good luck everyone," he finished "Let go!"

Cheers could be heard before everyone was splitting off into their groups, sneaking to the destinations they were put in.

It was time for the party to start, and everyone was buzzing with adrenaline as they sneakily walked off to their zones.

Jungkook followed Jimin as he lead the way to where this house he had seen would be, walking through a small forest like section before the house could finally be seen.

There were men guarding the doors as well as some men walking around, but there seemed to be more than what Jimin had told them.

It really did look like they were expecting them, a small mumble of 'Shit' left Jungkook's mouth as he looked around.

He turned to look at the men behind him "There seems to be more men than anticipated, but I have faith in all of you," he said, he could see slight worry in his men's eyes "But on the count of three, we attack."

Murmurs of 'Okay's could be heard before Jungkook began to count down from three, even he was slightly worried but he knew his men were strong.

As soon as he got to three, they all left their hiding space and began to attack the men their.

Gun shots could be heard, both coming from where they were but also coming from the house that wasn't far from where they just came from.

Blood was soon covering the once green grass, bullet wounds in peoples bodies and even stab wounds if they got close enough to the enemy.

No one was giving up on the fight, all fighting for their lives as they attacked skilfully with strength and pride.

Once the first men had finally all fell to the ground, a second wave of men came forward with their guns ready and already taking aim at everyone.

"Take cover!" Jungkook shouted and he dived behind a bush, aiming his gun at the enemy.

"I'm going to go help Taehyung!" He heard Jackson yell "The door isn't guarded!"

But before Jungkook could even tell him not to be so stupid, a bullet came soaring past his head nearly hitting him.

Quickly, he ducked down and reloaded his gun before he came back up and took aim on the enemy once more.

When he came back down, he looked to the side to see Hoseok reloading his gun "Hoseok! Go after Jackson!"

"On it!" He called back, rushing from his hiding space after he finished loading his gun.

Just as he was about to get back up and start aiming again. He heard a louder bang coming from a different direction.

He looked around trying to find the source of where it came from, but soon he heard loud crying coming from a direction.

Something terrible just happened.


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