Chapter Three ✔

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Today was the day that Jungkook can finally get the information on the Black Dragons that he needs to take them down.

It's taken the Mafia and him a lot of planning but they were ready to do this mission, they've waited so long to do this and now they finally could.

Right now they were loading up their vehicles with the appropriate stuff that they're going to need for this trip.

It was nearly time for them to all head out to the docks, they spent most of the morning going over the plans and adding a few changes here and there before they came out to load the vans.

The cars were finally loaded which then brought them to separate from each other, 'Team A' got into their designated vehicle and 'Team B' got into theirs.

Jungkook got into the passenger's seat with Jimin, while Namjoon took the driver's side while BamBam sat in the back of the van.

Once everyone was ready, Namjoon started up the car and left the driveway, Team B following them close behind.

The drive to the docks only took them half an hour, this giving them all half an hour to find good hideout spots before the Black Dragons showed up.

Namjoon parked the van somewhere that wasn't obvious before they all got out the van, making sure to let BamBam out of the back before the separated into two's and heading off to find a spot to hide.

They made sure to grab a gun and a few knives before they set off, knowing full well that they were going to need them.

Quietly, Namjoon and himself walked over to a boat that looked good enough to hide the both of them.

They climbed in, crouching down so that no one could see them.

"This shit better work," Jungkook whispered as he looked at his Second in Command with a stern facial expression "Or else I'll have all your balls cut off and displayed on my fucking office wall."

"It'll work boss, when have our plans ever failed?" He replied causing the younger to grumble.

The both of them sat there for around fifteen minutes in utter silence, not one uttering a single word to the other.

Namjoon honestly hated the silence but he knew that his boss hated talking unless it was necessary.

The silence was soon broken when murmured voices could slowly begin to be heard, with each step that was taken the voices began to get louder.

"Man, I hate this job," one of the voices grumbled.

"Don't we all? Why can't we be put into the action? I fucking hate doing these drug collections, they're so fucking boring," another voice said.

"I know ri-" but before the man could even finish his sentence, he was cut off by two men jumping out with their guns pointed at the both of them.

"Shit," one muttered, drawing his own gun as he began to fire towards the two men in front, his partner joining in.

Jungkook smirked, pointing the gun at ones shoulder and pulling the trigger to receive a scream of pain from one of them.

The man placed his hand onto his shoulder, blood seeping through his fingers as he used his other hand to shoot rounds at Jungkook only to miss terribly.

Jungkook got close enough to the male, hitting him across the side of the head causing him to lose consciousness for a few seconds.

But in those few seconds, Jungkook had his arm around his neck with a knife to his throat and a smirk on his face "You're coming with me."

Runaway (KTH & JJK) **EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now