Chapter 4| ɴᴏ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴛᴇᴀʀs

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"I know mom but god! Every time she calls I know how much she misses her and I hate to be the one that ruins that for her ya know."

I heard mom sigh and she got up from her spot now sitting next me. Her hand rubbing down my back trying her best to comfort me.

"Ughh I hate that you're having to go through this baby. Neither you nor my grand baby deserves this, what gives her the right? She up and left the two of you and she thinks it's ok to call and torment you."

I nodded slowly bringing my hand up to grab hers that was rested on my shoulder. "I know momma. I'm pisssed too, but sometimes I feel like she's right. I mean what do I have?"

I have no real income coming in, I struggled all the time just trying to get by. Sometimes I do wonder why I haven't just given Bria to her mom.

Next thing I know I feel my head being yanked to the side to look at her.

"Now you listen to me Y/N. You will not let this girl get to you. You're doing your best by Bria. You may not have it all, but you're doing your damn best with what you do have. You are an excellent father, a great provider and Bria knows that, she loves you to pieces. That girl gave up on Bria but you didn't. You stood your ground and man'd up to take care of your responsibilities. So you have a lot to give her, you love her unconditionally and that's all that matters baby."

I smiled at her. "Thank you so much momma. I swear I don't know what I would do without you. I wouldn't make it."

She was seriously one of the only reasons that I'm still going at times. Of course besides Bria being my main priority, my mom has always need there for me and always very supportive.

She waved me off playfully. "You'd make it just fine baby I know it." I gave her a weird look but chose not to say anything. "Now, how about you get up and go spend time with my baby, while I finish up dinner."

I watched as she walked back over to the stove.

"Yes ma'am." I said as I stood up from the chair. I walked over to her leaning down placing a kiss on her cheek. "I love you momma."

"I love you too son. Now shoo!"

I chuckled and walked out of the kitchen going into the living room sitting down with Bria.


Once we got home, I knew it was late and way past Bria's bed time. I had work early tomorrow so it was best that I got her in the bath and in bed by 9:30.

"Alright my little monkey, it's time to get out and dried off for bed."

I walked into the bathroom to see Bria sitting in the tub with bubbles on her face. "Aww daddy pwease I stay."

"Sorry pumpkin no can do. It's extremely late for you to be up so come on."

She pouted but raised her arms up for me to lift her out into a large fluffy towel. Once she was dried off and dressed in her pink princess pajamas I was now carrying her in my arms into her room.

As I laid her down and tucked her in, I started to leave.

"Wait daddy." She said making me stop in my movements.

I stopped and made my way back over to her bed. "Yes princess?"

"C-can I pwease talk to Ariana now?"

Dang it. I really thought she would have forgotten about that.

"Daddy, you prwomise." She said before I could even think of any excuse.

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