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Read my new story: The Definition of Love (Raura)

I'm too late... Too late...

By the time Laura arrived at the hospital, it was indeed too late. Too late as in approximately 20 minutes late.

It was 10:27 pm.

Ross couldn't have survived that long with like three or four days worth of poison circulating around in his body.

Was it even worth it to go to him with the 'antidote'? If this stupid needle filled with neon green liquid was even THE antidote...

Laura rushes up to the hospital's reception center. "Ross Lynch. Please." She says, quickly.

The receptionist lady from before looks to her, studying her carefully. She seemed to debate once again. "Name?"

"I told you last time. Laura Marano."

That came out a lot more demanding than she wanted it to.

Instead of letting her up immediately like the previous time, the receptionist lady raises her eyebrows in fear and surprise. "U-um... He's currently unavailable at the moment."

"What? What do you mean?" She exclaims, frustrated.

"Miss, please take a seat and we'll get back to you." She tells her, calmly.

"Take a seat!?" Laura explodes. "No! I need to see him now. As in, right now."

The lady picks up the wired telephone as a threat. "Miss, take a seat or I will call security and have you escorted out."

"But-." Laura starts to argue, but is suddenly cut off as the receptionist dials a number and starts to talk. "Uh, yes, security? We have Laura Marano and she need to be escorted to the authorities."

Her eyes widen in disbelief. The authorities!? For what!?

Quickly, she makes a decision to just go for it. It was all or nothing now.

Ross's life was at stake.

She dashes out of the receptionist's sight and up the stairs.


Running from the law... That will definitely get her into monstrous trouble.

She makes it up to Ross's room, seeing a bunch of doctors surrounding him, doing everything they could to make Ross's heartbeat more lively again.

The doctors didn't notice her walk in.

It was time.


It was amazing how long he stayed alive... Hopefully, this 'antidote' would help him fully recover.

She runs up to him and injects the needle in his arm as the nurses and doctors gasp.

Before they could do anything about it, Ross goes into shock and the electrocardiogram goes ballistic.




It suddenly stops.

Ross suddenly stops.

"He's going into cardiac arrest!" A doctor shouts. "We need help in here!"

"What have you done!?" A nurse yells at Laura.

"I-I didn't..." Tears form in her eyes once again.

She did. She killed Ross. She fell for the trap and killed him with the 'antidote' that was really just some more poison just like she was planned to.

Laura was blinded by her love for him, taking risks to do anything to save him. Little did she know, her naive-self is what killed Ross in the end.

He is dead now because of his best friend. Because the person that loved him was just trying to help.

Suddenly, the door's to Ross's room bust open, police officers hustling in.

Detective Miles goes over to Laura and handcuffs her. "W-what are you doing!?" Laura exclaims. Surprise blinded reason.

"Laura Marano." He starts. "You are under arrest for the murder of Ross Lynch."

Laura cries harder. "Wait! I didn't mean to! Just please understand!"

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do can and will be held against you in a court of law."


Oh man... This sucks...


How is Laura going to get out of this one? Will she get out of this?


Maybe soon...

I know you're probs wondering how since Ross is kinda... gone. :(

Or is he?

I don't know...

Vote please!


To See You Again: A Raura FanficWhere stories live. Discover now