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But, for some reason, Laura was pulled swiftly back on solid rocky ground before she could fall down to her end.

What the-? She immediately thought when she was pulled into someone's arms. Strong man arms.

At first the bright yellow sun, blurs her vision of the creeper man, but suddenly adjusts to see who this guy is.

Her eyes widen in surprise once she sees that it's him...


She pushes away from him quickly, in escape to get away from this violent, messed-up boy.

"Laura, what were you doing jumping off of a cliff!?" He asks her in that British accent of his.

The question really was, how did he find me and why did he save me? Laura backs away from him slowly. "I wanted to go."

He mutters something that she couldn't piece together. Then looks back to her. "Is it because of that Lynch guy?"

"What do you care?" She narrows her eyes at him. He probably just wanted to see her break down.

Laura reaches in her pocket to grab her phone. But it wasn't there.

Shoot! The last time I had my phone was when I threw it at Krystal!

Laura was completely defenseless. She couldn't call the police because she didn't have a phone anymore, and she couldn't run away because she had no car to get to and Anthony was probably faster than her.

"I'm not going to hurt you, Laura." He tells her in a way that almost sound fake and joking.

What a dang lie.

She doesn't stop backing up. "Just like you weren't going to hurt me in the hotel?" She says, sarcastically.

He starts moving toward her, with his eyes dark and eerie. "Think about it. Did I really hurt you?" Anthony asks her, softly.

Laura gives him a hard look. "You grabbed my neck! I couldn't breathe!"

He chuckles, slowly... Mysteriously...

"You were panicking. That was your own fault that you weren't getting enough oxygen to your lungs." Anthony tells her.

She glances down at the ground, thinking about it all, trying to remember pain. But there was no pain. He was r-right?

I guess, he didn't really hurt me... But he was aggressive and violent.

She looks back up to him. He was close to her now. "Get away, Anthony." She tells him sternly.

"Why? Do you feel helpless now that your little playboy isn't here to baby you? Feel bad, right?"

Involuntarily, water forms in her eyes. He knows how heartbroken and destroyed she is. Why would he insult him right in front of her? "Why are you such a jerk?" She asks, breathlessly.

"Why didn't you eat my chocolate truffles?" He asks suddenly.

Laura pauses trying to make sense of it all. "Huh? W-what are you talking about? Was there something special about it?" She starts to get angry, moving toward him. "Or-Or something specifically in them?"

"I'm pretty sure only Ross knows that." He tells her. "He ate them, right?" His question seemed to amuse himself, clearly, the corners of his lips began to rise.

She gasps, backing away from him. Anthony had to of done something! "Y-You! What have you done!?"

He stares at her for a brief moment. Cool breeze is the only noise of the suspicious silence. The trees dance along with the noise, sending chills through Laura. "Nothing," he replies, looking away from her. Then, he looks back to her, meeting her eyes. "The question is... What have you done?"

"Me!?" She exclaims. "What-? I didn't do anything to him!"

Anthony chuckles sarcastically. "That's not what the public thinks." He walks around her and then disappears into the trees. "Until next time, my dear."

Laura watches his retreating figure until he was no longer visible. What a creep. Who does he think he is!? Why would he do something like this to Ross?

She looks back to the cliff. Suddenly, the idea of suicide suddenly felt frightening to highest point possible. Was she really going to do that?

Laura looks back to the woods where Anthony disappeared. He saved her... Why?

She needed to piece this together. Maybe there could be a way that Laura can piece the puzzle together and figure out a way to still save Ross.

She definitely had one suspect in mind and she was determined on just finding the fricken antidote.

And maybe she might just have to break the law to do so...

It was all or nothing now.

Laura turns on her heels and hurries back on the path where she came from.

Hold on, Ross.

I'll see you again soon.


Incredibly short chapter. I know. Y'all can yell at me now.

But I bet you were expecting me to update in another three weeks, right? Sorry. I take so long!

Anyway, not many people read all the way to the bottom, but I'll just type it out because i want to.

I'm in such a bad mood. My tournament to New York had been cancelled and me and my friends have been obsessing over it for months. It's just really sad.

I cried myself to sleep.

And do any of you hide the fact that you're an obsessive fangirl from your friends? I do. They don't know anything about this. And they've been stealing my phone to look through my stuff.

>__< sometimes i really hate them. <3

But yeah... how are you guys?


To See You Again: A Raura FanficWhere stories live. Discover now