Task Four: Entries

Start from the beginning

He was quietly mourning the loss of his superiority as he entered the back room of the Holocaust wing leading downstairs to their room in the massive museum basement. The room was small, but there were only a few of them in there so they didn't need much space. His corner had a cot, small nightstand, and a little dresser full of clothes. Occasionally, some of Kenneth's agents would bring them new leisure clothes, and over his many years residing at the museum, he had built up quite a collection. They noted his love for dulled colours and older fashion tastes from the 1980's, as he had seen quite a few interesting trends from the other exhibits in the 1900s hall of the museum. To reflect this, they have him plain t-shirts, black leather jackets, a jeans of varying shades. He always wore black high top shoes and usually went through a pair or two a year, so he always had to ask for more.

Peter began going through his drawers, pointedly ignoring the top drawer of the dresser that housed his uniforms. He knew how the war ended, and the sight of the uniforms only reminded him of the failure his side had suffered. The easy times of his youth haunted him. He remembered walking through town with his friends, flaunting their uniforms to the watchful eyes of their admirers. He would never get those days back, of course. Even if he managed to escape the museum and return home, he knew the war was a losing one. He would die in battle or get arrested like his peers. Those uniforms held nothing but loss for him.

He filled a knapsack with his essentials and exited the room, sighing deeply. Another mission would take a toll on him, no matter how supposedly 'easy' the agent had made it for them. All he had to look for upon his return was a single day to sleep in before he was set to their busy schedule. Sleepless nights were sure to follow, but none of the agents cared. He wondered if anyone truly cared anymore.

That haunting thought, he noted sadly, would never leave him as long as he was within the museum walls.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

"Something is truly wrong with this museum," Dion quipped, shoving his limited belongings into a small backpack.

"I agree," Seth grunted. "This museum is much unlike home."

"I know! I look out the windows and see the future, and it scares me." Dion smiled inwardly as he realized how good at English he had gotten. Some of the people at the museum had been helping him learn so that he could educate the guests correctly, and he had gone from barely speaking it to being nearly fluent in three weeks. Their new technology was impeccable, so learning a language was effortless.

"But it is cool, no?" Seth asked, smiling. "I had not heard of a holo until we arrived. To think we never would have discovered it had we not been brought here... that is a thought I do not enjoy."

"I agree. I miss my home. It is so much easier without a holo in front of your face at all times."

They both worked in companionable silence as they packed. The two were sharing a room in the basement for the time being due to the museum needing to prepare a permanent location for the both of them. It was a tiny portion of the basement and they had barely enough room to fit both of their beds, but it was secluded from the others and they enjoyed that.

They exited the room quickly, neither of them wanting to hold up the rest of the group. People would look down on the newcomers if they were the last to arrive. It would make them seem lazy, and they did not want that. As they arrived at the machine, only a few had already made it, so they allowed themselves to slow their pace. Those in attendance were Anne, the German boy, and Heiron. For some reason, neither of them could retain the name of the boy in the black leather jacket. Anne seemed to bite her lip as she checked them out, a rose colour filling her cheeks.

"Like what you see?" Dion asked quietly. The colour in Anne's cheeks only rose, and she turned away. Dion smirked and returned to Seth's side.

"Cut that out," Seth said, though he couldn't keep the smile off his face. "We're new, remember?"

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