Soumya could feel the sudden softness and sadness when Svetlana spoke of Tia. Svetlana genuinely cared for her sister. 

"I know this might sound rude, but I have no....emotions towards you" said Soumya. "I know, I should feel something, some emotion at seeing my sister, but I don't. Though I feel for Tia, much more after I spoke with her." 

"Why should you feel for me? Or any of us? You grew up without knowing any of us, or even that we existed. How are you supposed to generate feelings for us in a few days? You don't have to feel bad about it. In any case, its the fault of the Oberois. They are the reason our father died, mother had to give you up, and you could never grow up with us" said Svetlana, now sounding angry.

Soumya had never interacted with Svetlana like this before. She had only been an audience whenever Svetlana created drama in the Oberoi mansion. So, it was strange talking to her for the first time. But Soumya could detect that Svetlana was being genuine with her. 

"I'm getting engaged to Rudra this Friday. And I don't blame the Oberois for whatever happened. Your, I mean, our father committed suicide, he killed himself. Even if I buy Mrs. Kapoor's theory that the Oberois fired him unfairly, caused a loss of reputation, it was not their fault that he killed himself. He had a wife and two daughters, and another one barely weeks away. He knew they all depended on him, they were his responsibility. I know that mental trauma, or depression, often forces people to do such things, but he should have seen a doctor for the same, seen a psychiatrist. And even if he did kill himself, Mrs. Kapoor should have remembered to take care of her daughters. She left all responsibilities on you, while in return she sowed seeds of revenge in your and Tia's hearts. Tia Di saw how it all was pointless, why can't you see it Svetlana....Di? Leave all this hatred, look where the desire for revenge has brought you? In prison!" Soumya breathed heavily as she finished. 

Svetlana's face stiffened, but her eye's betrayed the emotion she felt for her long lost sister. 

"If you have come to advocate for your future family, then you can leave. Now" said Svetlana stonily. 

One look at her face, and Soumya knew that her biological eldest sister, would not shift from her position. 

Now as she was back in her room, thinking of what happened, she questioned herself whether she should have tried harder to persuade Svetlana to come out of her blind hatred for the Oberois?

Then she thought to what end? Suppose Svetlana Di gave up her vendetta towards the Oberois, then what? She would still be rotting in prison. 

The question was what was Soumya to do?


Gauri was anxious, but also excited as she saw the buyers entering the office. 

As her group did not have a proper workplace yet, they mostly worked at a makeshift workplace in Jahnvi Maaji's office, or from home. Today the presentation was going to happen in a spare boardroom in Jahnvi Maaji's office.

Jahnvi introduced the buyers to Gauri and group. They seemed curious as they took in the samples displayed for them. One of them even examined them closely, and looked at them with what seemed like approval. 

Gauri switched on the projector and started with the powerpoint presentation. It was a bit of luck that she tech savvy, and had befriended Internet Chaachi long ago. With the help of her private tutor she made slides in English for the buyers, and it worked well as long she was just scrolling the slides for them, putting in a few monosyllables here and there. 

But as soon as the presentation got over, the buyers had questions for her. Questions in English. 

No one in their group knew English properly. Gauri understood what they were asking them, but her replies were just broken words here and there. She felt helpless to explain them, and she hated it. 

But one of the buyers smiled at her reassuringly and said something to Jahnvi, who was also there in the presentation meeting. Jahnvi smiled and nodded.

Jahnvi Maaji turned to Gauri to explain what the buyer was asking her. Gauri eagerly replied, but in Hindi. Jahnvi translated it for her to the buyer. And in this manner, the presentation continued. Gauri, with some input from her group members, replied to all their questions. At the end of the questionnaire, they seemed reasonably satisfied, and asked for some time to make a final decision. 

Later that day, they informed Jahnvi, that they were going to place an order with Gauri's group. Gauri's group was happy with the order, however, Gauri was a little disappointed; she had expected a bigger consignment. 

She sighed, she thought that she might as well, ask Jahnvi why did the buyers did not place an order of a higher margin?

Gauri reached Jahnvi's office, but she could hear Tej Uncleji in Jahnvi's office. So, she stepped back, but she didn't leave as she heard her name in the office.

"You still think Gauri is the right girl?" Tej snorted. 

"Tej, how could you? After all that Gauri has done, for your family, for our family?" Jahnvi sounded angry.

"I am not questioning her goodness, Jahnvi. I know she is a good human being. I am not even questioning her brains, because god knows the girl is smart. But I am amazed at your and your father's insistence to carry out this experiment to make her business woman. No doubt she can achieve much more than working as a dressmaker in that temple, but the tall dreams you and your father are seeing for her, its too much" said Tej.

"You really think that? You were there, when Jeannette called. She was remarkably impressed with Gauri, her grasp of commerce" said Jahnvi.

"I didn't deny that the girl is smart. But Jeanette is half-French, no doubt she sympathized with Gauri's inability to speak English. The European, or the Japanese or the Chinese, don't need to resort to English to communicate, because they are powerful economies. But India doesn't command that position yet. Jahnvi, the foreign business are not going to get a interpreter to do business with Indians and you know that. Jeanette was understanding, not many will be. But that is your problem, you and your father saw something in this girl, so on your time and money, be it. My problem, is my son. And I don't think this girl is fit for him" said Tej.

Jahnvi actually laughed. 

"You know very well that Om gives two hoots about your opinion. Moreover, Annika is not that fluent in English either. For that matter, neither is Pinky. Then why should it matter when it comes to Gauri?" said Jahnvi.

"Annika or Pinky don't dream beyond their means. Pinky stays at the house, Annika was an ordinary caterer, before Dadi gave her the responsibility of Shivaay's wedding planning, for which she was not even qualified. Still, wedding planning is something that Annika can manage within India. You hope that Gauri will one day, join your company. Jahnvi, do you think she is qualified for that?" asked Tej.

"She has talent, brains, confidence, and most importantly, faith that she will never lose. So, yes Tej she will fit into my company smoothly. As for Om, his future, his relationship, is his concern, not yours. Whether Gauri is fit for him or not, is something he has to decide, not me, and definitely not you" said Jahnvi.

"Maybe he has already decided. You know your son best, if he feels strongly, he says it. He is honest about his emotions. Forget commitment, he hasn't even asked out that girl on a date yet. I'm telling you all he feels for her is gratitude. I won't even say attraction, because my son is not one, to get attracted to physical beauty" said Tej.

"I will have less of 'my son' from you, Tej. Don't make me regret my decision to give our relationship a second chance. Lets get back to talking business, we've digressed far too much" said Jahnvi, annoyed.

Gauri had heard enough, she made her way back to her group. They involved her in their work, and Gauri pushed that conversation to the back of her mind. 

The fact that Jahnvi Maaji and Nanaji, had high hopes for her did not surprise her, though she was overwhelmed by their confidence in her. 

She didn't really care what Tej Uncleji thought of her, but what stung was the confidence with which he asserted that Omkaraji thinks the same of her as well. Could it be true?

Yuhn Hota Toh Kya Hota- Rikara FFWhere stories live. Discover now