Chapter 15: I'm Only His

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Bakugou's mom hit him upside the head. She wasn't pissed at him really, but she believed he could've been more polite. "Katsuki I didn't teach you to talk like that!" Mitsuki said as the two of them got into it. "Ah.. Dad, you do know Katsuki is my soulmate..? I don't love her.. you know that right?" Kirishima said starting off the serious part of this conversation. "Eijirou Kirishima-! We've been over this over and over. You don't have to be with your soulmate. You can surely marry a girl and be happier with her rather then that rude boy." His dad said trying not to get angry.

"Dad first off all, I like guys. I will always like guys and I'll always love Katsuki, so can you please just drop this shit already!" The red head said tearing up. Bakugou was getting upset now. "Yeah look Mr. Kirishima- I'd rather not have my boyfriend cry over your homophobic ass. I know everything you did asshole and I know how your wife just fucking sat there and watched. Shame on both of you!" Kirishima was now crying into Bakugou's shoulder and holding onto his shirt. The ash blonde in turn wrapped his arms around his boyfriend lovingly.

I wish my father and mother would've just left me alone. The last thing I wanted was for Katsuki to have to defend me against my own parents like that, but I had broken down. I felt safe with him and his family there, although I couldn't help but cry. My parents not accepting me and Katsuki hurt like hell. Bakugou really is my everything. He was just way too perfect to me.

There was no way in fucking hell I was gonna let these bastards get to Eijirou like that. My personal goal now is to make his parents feel bad about fucking with him all these years. I'll be absolutely damned to let them give my boyfriend to some dumb girl. I'm only his and he's only mine.

"What do you know you damn brat? It's your fault Eijirou can't be fixed. All he did was talk about you when you wrote to him!" His father said lashing out on me. Thank god my mom hadn't spoke up yet I wasn't done yet. "Fixed?! Are you fucking blind?! Eijirou is absolutely perfect! He doesn't need to be 'fixed' or altered in any way." I slammed my fist on the table and held back from exploding. "You're the one who needs to get fixed 'sir.' Honestly- I have no idea how you can call yourself parents!?" I suddenly stopped realizing how bad Eijirou was shaking. Maybe I took it too far.

Kirishima got up from the table and ran out. Bakugou shot up and chased after him. It was obvious this whole thing was a disaster. Mitsuki was sort of proud of her son. He definitely took after her. Masaru was just happy this was over. "Look- if you want to lose your son you're succeeding. I'll gladly accept him as mine if you don't. Eijirou is a really sweet boy. You should be happy he came out that way." Mitsuki said being genuine as she got up with her husband and left.

I just started running. I always had to run like that. I outran Bakugou and ran to the park I used to wait for him at. He'd know where I was if he meant all that stuff in the restaurant. I felt like I wasn't manly at all. Was it so wrong of me to love a guy that my own father would tell me I needed to be fixed? I wish I would've said something instead of sitting there crying into Bakugou's shoulder. What's done is done now I suppose. I sat down on the swing set trying not to cry anymore and awaited my prince.

Bakugou had stopped when he lost Kirishima. Where could he be? He thought as it kind of clicked in his head. He unconsciously found himself running to the park they met at almost two years ago now. "Eijirou!" The blonde yelled running to the swing set and picking him up. "Don't scare me like that Eiji.." Bakugou said holding onto him tightly. Kirishima smiled sadly. "I'm sorry Katsuki.. I just couldn't handle it."

The slightly taller kissed the top of his head and started tearing up a little. "Eijirou I'm sorry I couldn't fix anything.." he whispered and showered him in kisses. "Katsuki.. I know you meant well. Thanks for standing up for me.. I don't know what I'd do without you really." The red head said holding onto him tightly as well. Kirishima leaned in closer and kissed his boyfriend passionately for what seemed the longest minute before it started to rain. "I'll always be here for you, so don't worry Eiji." Bakugou pulled back and smiled.

"I know that Suki.. I know my prince will always come to find me."

//hhhh school is so close and idk how to end this fanfic

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