"It's fine, dye it," I spoke, earning a raised eyebrow from Kylie and a nod from the hair stylist.

"Make sure it's washable though," I heard Kylie say, as I slipped on my heels and waited anxiously for the stylist to finish Kylie's hair.

When she was done straightening it and adding extensions to lengthen Kylie's hair, I sat down the chair.

"Perfect as always, Kendall," The hair stylist smiled at me, as she finished straightening my hair and brushing out flyways.

I smiled back at her, as Ruby handed me and Kylie the accessories to wear and we headed out.

"Girls," Emma nodded at us, as a way of greeting us and we smiled back.

+ +

"Incredible work girls," Emma complimented us, making us grin from ear-to-ear.

We reviewed the shots Emma had taken of us and me and Kylie loved every single one.

"That's a wrap!" Kylie called out, giggling, and I rolled my eyes playfully at her giddiness.

"That was amazing, Kenny. No wonder you come home so exhausted!" Kylie breathed out, as I exited my assistant manageress' office and we headed out, waving good-bye to Ruby.

"So, what did she say?" Kylie said, as we entered the car, Kylie insisting on driving.

"Well, I told her it was your birthday and all, so she said yes," I spoke, followed by Kylie's ear-piercing screams.

"This day just keeps getting better and better!" She yelled, as she turned up the radio and we sung along to the songs playing.

"We should celebrate!" Kylie suggested and I shook my head.

"No, no partying, I'm tired," I said, earning a groan from Kylie.

"Let's get some wine to drink at home at least," Kylie pleaded and I gave in. We stopped by a French wine shop and entered, the workers clearly surprised by us.

"We need some wine to celebrate," Kylie said and the woman at the desk nodded, showcasing a few bottles and a glass to taste.

"I'll need to see your ID first, please," She said, and I fumbled my bag for my ID, before finding it and handing it to her.

"Alright, we've got a few which you might like," She set out 3 wine bottles on the marble counter and 2 wine glasses. Kylie insisted on trying each one, until she found the suitable one.

"We'll take this one," Kylie slurred a little, lazily picking up a blood-red wine bottle.

"Alright, it'll be 300 dollars," She said, as she picked out a brand-new bottle from the shelf behind her and punched some keys into the cashier machine.

I swiped out my new credit card, payed for it and took the bagged wine bottle.

"Kylie, your obviously a little tipsy, so I'll drive," I tugged the keys from Kylie's hand and jogged to the driver's seat, noticing some paparazzi approaching us.

Me and Kylie got into the safety of my Range Rover and placed the bottle safely at the back, unfortunately too slowly because a photographer noticed it.

"The Jenner sisters drinking?!" He exclaimed, as more paparazzi bombarded us with questions.

"Aren't you too young?" One yelled, making me roll my eyes.

"Don't worry about it, in Coachella they're won't be paparazzi, only the festival's photographers," Kylie lazily smiled at me.

"Can't wait for the week to go by, I've already bought some clothes," Kylie rambled on, as we pulled into our driveway.

I rolled my eyes as I unlocked the front door and entered the dark living room.

"Mom? Dad?" I called out, confused as Kylie at the dark house.

"Surprise!" The lights flickered back on, revealing many happy and laughing faces.

"What's going on?" I smiled, as Kylie gasped and embraced her friends.

"It's a surprise party, as a celebration for your shoot!" Khloe explained, as I embraced her tightly.

"Let's get this party started!" Kylie yelled, followed by everyone's cheers, as she popped the wine bottle open and poured for everyone, taking a couple of swigs from the bottle itself.

"Mum? Dad? Could I talk to you?" I asked, as they ended the conversation they were having with a guest and turned to look at me.

"Yes?" My dad spoke,

"I wanted to speak to you about taking Kylie with me to Coachella next week," I said, as they winced, the music getting louder.

I led them the kitchen, where the music was muffled, low enough to speak.

"I wanted to talk to you about taking Kylie with me to Coachella next week," I repeated, shifting my weight between my heels and feet, rocking back and forth.

"To where?" Another voice interrupted, making us jump in surprise.

Our Moment - HendallWhere stories live. Discover now