"You didn't have to," I spoke as I opened the box. I let out a gasp as it revealed a silver anklet bracelet which had charms around it. "It's beautiful. Thank you," I smiled before kissing his cheek then placed it one to which Ash whistle. Godric then rolled his eyes before smacking the back of Ash's head.

As we drove to the location, the guys were all talking about what was supposed to happen at this business meeting and I found my eyes trailing to Godric's hand. I grabbed his hand and look at the side of his left pinky to see my initials.

"You kept it," I mumbled as I looked at him. 

He nodded his head, "Always," he spoke as he held his pinky up. I then held up my right pinky, "And forever," I spoke showing him his initials on my pinky. 

When we were small, we got each other's initial as a pack that no matter our distance, we would always be with each other.

"I don't know if your sweet or crazy considering I tried to kill you in the pass," he chuckled as he kissed the side of my head. 

"Well, look on the bright side, I know how to kill you permanently now," I smiled. 

"Psycho much?" he laughed.

"Very," I winked before leaning up against him.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and kissed the top of my head. "How are the guys?" he asked as he held my hand in his.

"Pretty good. They recently destroyed the house with a paintball gun so I made then run suicides and repaint the house. Not to mention Justin, Randy, Hunter, and Ethan got arrested because they thought it was a good idea to take it to the next level and use cars. Oh, then there's Gabe who died," I informed him.

"Yeah, I heard about Gabe. He part angel and demon. Kind of wild to be honest," he mumbled. I nodded my head, "Yeah turns out all the guys will become an angel when they die so I guess we're all immortal," I shrugged.

The car came to a stop and we all stepped out. Looking around, I saw we were in someone's driveway with guards all around. We walked up to the entrance to which we were all patted down before entering and led into an office.

The guy in the chair got up and gestured for Godric to take a seat. The doors behind us closed and I turned to see Finn and Ash was in the room and Harry, Marco, and Ryan were outside. There were three armed guards in the room.

"To what do I owe this visit to?" the guy asked as they both sat down across from each other. "You were suppose to pay last week. I've been letting you side for almost 3 weeks now but I need my money," Godric demanded.

I looked around the room and saw this guy's office was just bland. No photos, no books, not even decorative vase. Looking over to the window I saw it overlooked the pool.

"No," Godric growled causing me to snap out of my thoughts. I looked to see the guy was looking at me and Godric was now flaming with anger. "I'll pay," the guy offered.

"I said no. She's not for sale," Godric growled as he bolted up from his seat.

The guards in the room all aimed their gun at him.

Within a swift move, Ash and Finn both disarmed all the guards and knocked them out before aiming their guns at the guy. He went to push a button under his desk but Godric shook his head. "I wouldn't do that if I were you," he sang.

The guy slowly lifted up his hand. "Fine. I don't want to buy her anymore," he hissed.

My eyebrow rose, "Am I not pretty enough," I frowned as walked around his desk. I looked to Godric who gave me a smirk, "Have fun," he gestured as he sat down in his chair. I sat on the guy's lap with my back against the desk. I then took the guy's hands and placed them on my thighs too which he smirked as he started to stroke me.

War With The Devil - BOOK 4 ✔ (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now