It was a message from Tia.

'Hey, Soumya do you want to meet for coffee?'

Soumya had almost forgotten about Mrs. Kapoor and the other.....issues she had. Soumya had spoken to her mother about the engagement on the phone for over an hour and they had made plans and everything. 

Now she remembered her other family.

Soumya texted back a yes and decided to meet Tia for coffee during her lunch break, since her office was close to Tia's place. 

Soumya entered the cafeteria to see that Tia was already waiting for her, at a table. 

Tia's baby bump was apparently visible. 

"How is the baby?" asked Soumya as she sat down opposite her sister. 

"It's due in three weeks" said Tia, sounding both happy and worried.

"I hope it is in good health" said Soumya. Tia smiled. Soumya ordered a cappuccino for herself, while Tia who was staying away from caffeine, order a lemonade. 

"You should've called me to your place, traveling to a cafe..." said Soumya

"Its okay, it is good to move around a bit everyday in this condition, for the baby's health" said Tia.

"Are you sure you want to talk about this? All the emotional stress..." said Soumya.

"Its no stress, its a good feeling, in fact. You know I was seven when you were born, so I don't remember much. My mother told me that you didn't survive. Since, I was a kid, I think I didn't feel that bad, or didn't remember much. I associate that time mainly with our dad dying" said Tia. 

Their drinks came, giving Soumya a moment to collect her thoughts. 

"Tia, I feel bad for you. I know how it must have been to grow up without a father figure. My adoptive father also died when I was an infant, I don't even remember him. In my life, my father figure was my elder brother, adoptive brother. My adoptive mother was a nurse doing overtime to earn enough money to give us good education. So my brother took care of me mostly. He passed away over an year back. I was very close to him" said Soumya, gulping slightly. 

"I am sorry" said Tia. "Svetlana di was seventeen when our father died. She had secured scholarship in a really good college for her undergrad. She used to do part time job along with her college, to provide for my school fees. Our mother wasn't that qualified to find a good job to take care of us, at least not at that time. Di was a really smart and intelligent girl, she could've accomplished so much in her life, but instead she chose to dedicate it to our mother's desire for revenge. I chaffed under our mother's control, she wanted us to think of nothing but revenge from the Oberois. And then I met Dushyant, and he taught me how to let go of the hatred, and forgive and forget. And I fell in love with him. I didn't want to be part of this revenge game anymore. We had to elope and get married, and despite that my mother didn't give up on her plan to con Shivaay. I still regret that. Shivaay, Annika, the entire family, they are good people" said Tia. 

"I and Rudra are getting engaged" said Soumya.

Tia was taken aback for a moment, but her face relaxed into a smile, and congratulated Soumya.

"I am so happy for you, Soumya. The Oberois are a good family, and I don't blame them for what happened to our father or what he did later. Not that you were seeking my approval" said Tia, amending her statement quickly. 

"I...I just don't know how to do this, I've been Soumya Tendulkar for so long, I don't know how or whether I can be Soumya Kapoor" confessed Soumya. 

"Then don't, Soumya. You should not change your identity now, just because you have discovered your real biological mother. You are what your upbringing, experiences and past have made you in the last almost twenty three years. Love and family should not make one feel uncomfortable, and I would hate to impose on you" said Tia.

"Thank you" said Soumya. "I appreciate this."

Tia smiled.

" I don't know how to say this, but nobody knows about Svetlana being a Kapoor, and your sister" said Soumya, uncomfortably. 

"Di, wanted it that way. She wanted to remain in the Oberoi mansion and carry out her agenda against the Oberois. So, even though I exposed my mother on the day of my almost wedding to Shivaay, I didn't give her up. I wanted to be free of this horrid revenge plan, but I have no control over my mother and sister. Shivaay sent my mother to prison, but he also released her after a few months on my request. They are kind people" said Tia.

"Yes, but Svetlana is still in prison" said Soumya

"So, she is. And honestly I cannot blame Jahnvi aunty or Omkara in this. They have suffered enough for Svetlana di. If she had to lose her father, she made sure Om, Rudra and Prinku didn't have their's either. She almost got Jahnvi aunty killed. I don't think Om would forgive that. So, its different for Shivaay and Om" said Tia, sighing unhappily. 

"Do you want me to talk to Rudra?" asked Soumya hesitatingly. 

"No, Soumya. I love my elder sister, I do, she is the one who took the financial responsibility of our family, who brought me up, provided me good education, I owe a lot to her. But when she decided to dedicate her life to avenging her father, she was almost eighteen, an adult. She knew better than me that our mother was crazy about ruining the Oberois. Svetlana Di, could have done so much with her life, but she destroyed it with her own hands, and she was in a position to say no to my mother, she was no green girl, no child that her mind could be so easily poisoned by my mother. I feel sorry for her, but I told her multiple times after I left with Dushyant to give up her vendetta and live her life. Heck, I told her so many times while I was growing up that we sisters should think of our own lives, and not an age old revenge, but I think revenging herself on the Oberois became a mantra for her. Its our mother, it all comes down to her. I wish Di would realize her mistakes" said Tia, heavily. 

 "Well, if you say so" said Soumya. "Tia, if you feel up to it, I would like to invite you and Dushyant to my Sagaai (engagement)?" 

"I would love to. And we don't have to tell the Oberois our secret" said Tia.

"Its okay, Rudra knows, and he doesn't care" said Soumya.

"Rudra doesn't care? My, my I thought he really disliked me. Well, he must love you a lot if he is willing to let go of his angst against Lady Baba" said Tia, chortling.

Soumya laughed as well.

"Er....maybe I should call you Tia Didi?" suggested Soumya.

Tia smiled.

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