Chapter 9

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Waking up I saw Larry stood at the edge of the bed taking photos, groaning and not realising what was going on I put the blanket over my head to try and go back to sleep. Suddenly there was movement beside me and an arm wrapped around me, looking behind my shoulder a mask came into sight. Screaming a little I jumped out my own bed and fell on the ground. Sal stared straight at me.

"Fuck! Holy shit!" I yelled, trying to catch my breath from the shock. Larry stood there laughing and messaging someone.

"Larry what the fuck dude?" Sal mumbled, yawning a little.

"Sorry you weren't in my room when I got back so I came in this room and saw you two snuggling and I had to take a picture." Larry spoke in defence. I stood up and smacked the back on his head.


"Tree house." He casually replied earning another smack across the head from me.

"YOU HAD ME SO WORRIED." I screamed, tears going down my cheeks. Sal climbed out the bed and grabbed me into a hug.

"Dude. I needed some time alone." Larry spoke, coming into the hug.

"Time alone means taking drugs.. don't try me Larry. I know you and your words." I sobbed, trying not to destroy mine and Larry's bond. Sal moved away so it was just Larry and I in the hug.

"I know and I'm sorry. I know I keep lying but it wont affect anything okay?" Larry smiled, letting go of the hug and leaving the room. 

Sal left after and followed Larry back into the other room. I closed the door and got changed into something a bit more comfortable. My face turned bright red after the events that had occurred. Sal was sleeping behind me what the fuck. I looked at the bandage and cleaned it up putting on a long sleeved top with some black holed jeans. Leaving my room I walked into the living room to see Sal and Larry sat on the sofa with a few cans of coke.

"What are we doing today?" I asked, rummaging through the sofa and grabbing my hairbrush.

"Don't know, school starts in three days and I'm certainly not ready." Larry replied, drinking the rest of his can and crushing it. Sal just sipped his through his straw.

"Cool, how's the gang anyway?" I asked, I don't bother to keep in the group chat since Ashley went off on one.

"They are good. Ashley still hates you though but the others miss you." Larry smiled, trying to brighten the mood.

"Good she can hate me all she wants don't know what I did wrong but cool." I laughed, going through the fridge and pulling out my chocolate bar. Opening it up I took a large bite.

"We need to do something." Larry started. "I'm bored as hell." He finished, standing up and walking into his room,  Sal and I following behind.

The three days went by so quickly all we did was hang out. Sal and I did do some ghost hunting with his gearboy but apart from that we were head banging to music and sharing secrets. I still hadn't seen Sals face and it was starting to bother me since Larry had, But hopefully when he's ready he will. Hopefully I reminded myself. School starts tomorrow and I was nervous as hell. Ashely better not fuck tomorrow up at all. She better not be a bitch.

Hey sorry I was meant to of published this chapter earlier but the dam chapter deleted itself so I had to start again, Anyway hope you like this chapter, Have a good day.

Tracy x

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