Chapter 3

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I opened my eyes to talking. Mumbling I crawled out of bed and opened the door. Mum and Larry were in the living room talking about something. Walking closer mum saw me and smiled.

"Morning sweetie, hope you slept well. Larry and I were talking about me starting work a little earlier then usual. I will be on floor four if you need me." She smiled, wrapping her arms around me and giving me a massive hug. Smiling she walked out the door and into the hallway, or basement way, whatever you call it. Larry looked me up and down and smirked. I was wearing my unicorn onesie. Running I went into my bedroom and changed, hearing Larry laughing from a distance.

"YOU ARE SO NOT FUNNY!" I yelled, walking into his bedroom, him sat their painting and smiling.

"OH I AM SWEETIE, I AM!" He laughed, falling backwards and landing on the floor. I laughed so loud and feeling the whole apartment shake. Sitting down on his bed I took one of his comic books and start reading.

Suddenly there was a knock.

"Yeah?" Larry called, we weren't expecting visitors I thought.

"Hey uh Larry? Your mum said I should come say hi. I just moved in 402." This girl? spoke.

"Oh hey, come in. Doors open!" Larry yelled, moving of the chair and onto his beanbag. The door opened and in came this person with blue hair in pigtails and wearing a prosthetic mask.

"Whoa, nice mask." Larry commented, I nearly hit him for the comment.

"It's a prosthetic." They spoke, making me wish I had hit Larry.

"Oh shit, sorry man." Larry spoke quickly.

"It's cool I'm used to much worse by now. Glad you like it." They spoke, their head bobbling side to side as they spoke.

"So do you like have no face under there? What happened?" Larry asked, this time I got up and smacked the back of his head... hard! Larry yelped and gave me a death stare.

"I rather not talk about that." They answered, looking at me as I sat down.

"Okay change of subject. I'm Y/N and this is my shitty step-brother Larry." You spoke, smiling at the person I don't know the name of yet.

"I'm Sal. My friends call me Sally Face. I just moved from New Jersey." Sal spoke, wait they are a he, I mentally slapped myself.

"Sally Face?" Larry spoke, moving so I didn't slap him again. Sal sanding quietly just nodded. ( I know he explained but I think I put too much of the game dialogue in here already)

"So how'd you like the apartments so far?" I asked, before Larry had a chance to open his big mouth.

"Seems cool I guess." He replied, I nodding.

"So what happened in room 403." Sal asked, Larry looking straight at me.

"SHHH not so loud man!" Larry half yelled, half whispered, don't know why though since no one can hear us in the basement.

"The killer is still in the building, Larry was there when it happened." I spoke, placing down the comic I was reading.

"We deffo know who did it too. Charley the big creep from 204, the guy who has a huge crush on my sister." Larry growled, staring at me as I nearly threw up.

"Poor Mrs Sanderson." I spoke a little.

"So here's the plan." Larry smirked, oh god what has he got planned.

Hey thanks for reading. This book is now officially published, well of course your reading this right now. Please remember to give me feedback so it means I can get better and also so people reading this love what they are reading. I will speak again next chapter

Tracy x

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