Chapter Forty Nine

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Jace's POV

There will always be one thing in this world that always bring me joy.

And that's whenever Julia Pellington is happy.

Watching her smile non stop, sing to her favourite songs and look at me with happiness and undying love turned my world upside down for the better. For once in the life...

I was at complete peace.

And knowing that Julia was too was about the best news I've ever came in encounter with.

"Okay guys, the plane is ready to take off." Dad says smiling.

"Drake, stop eyeing the flight attendant and get into the plane!" My mom scolds Drake, making him go beet red when the flight attendant looks at him.

"You know, for a very quiet private airport, you guys sure make it seem public and loud." Vance says.

"Get in the plane!" My screams one more time, making us rush inside the plane. I walk into a room, placing down Julia's bags.

"Oh, I would love to share a room with Jace." Alex voices boom and he soon follows, throwing himself on the bed.

"Me too." Drake says, dancing in the room.

"Okay, first of all, you have a girlfriend to share a room with already. And second of all Drake, your shoes are too smelly and I'm sure Jace would like to spend some quality time alone with his girlfriend, without having to die from your foot stench." Brook says with Julia beside her.

"But-" Alex whines.

"No buts! Now get your butts out of this room!" Brook huffs, making my two best friends rush outside.

"Thanks Brook." I wink at her. She blushes, smiling at me.

"You owe me." She sass, walking away.

"Well if it isn't my prince." Julia chuckles when I shrug off my jacket. "Looking as handsome as ever."

"That's because I have the best princess in the world." I wrap my arms around her waist when she wraps her arms around my neck. I lean in, kissing her on the lips teasingly, pulling her bottom lip. "And soon to be queen."

"Mm..." she hums, enjoying now the feeling of me kissing her neck. She holds unto my back for support. "Mi like that."

"I know you do." I whisper in her ears, making her shudder. "But your gonna love this trip even more."

"And why is that so?" She says breathlessly. I smile, feeling proud that I had so much of an affect on her.

"Because I'm going to give you a treat." I say lowly, picking her up and placing her on the bed, hovering over her.

"What's this treat you speak of?" She bites her lip, making me smirk. "It sounds delicious."

"Oh it is." I whisper so low, making sure that only she can hear. "Your gonna love it."

"Maybe I will." She says softly, tugging unto my shirt. "I can take it right now."

"And I know you'll finish it in one drink." I kiss her neck once again, massaging her leg, making her squeal.

"Because the smoothies on this plane are fantastic!"

"I know right!" She chuckles the same time I do.

"You guys are weird." Emily says at the door, making Julia blush and me smirk. I forgot that I hadn't closed the door.

"If you guys weren't talking about smoothies, what other treat would Julia be getting?" Bethany asks, making both of us freeze in shock while Emily just laughed at us.


"We're here!" Mom says, as the limo pulls up at the Jamaica Grande hotel. "This place is amazing."

We had finally arrived in Jamaica. The home where Julia grew up. It was simply beautiful here, the people are so friendly and talented and the vibe is so calm and warming. On our way to the hotel, we saw people along the sides of the roads with arts and crafts, fruits, drums and so much more. I honestly can't believe I didn't think of coming here sooner.

The Jamaica Grande hotel was quite the sight, beautiful and completely breathtaking. It was a long journey to get here, having it be in Ocho Rios. But after seeing this place, the long drive was most definetly worth it.

"I heard that there are slides here!" Carter exclaims.

"And there are bars in the pool." Drake wiggled his eyebrows.

"Don't drink too much." Kathy pats him on the back.

"You know, once we get settled in, we can go out and try this really nice place called Dunn's River Falls." Dad says once he was done talking to the receptionist. The body guards nod, taking away our bags instead instead of the hotels actual staff.

"I like the sound of that." Emily says, smirking when she sees a guy about her age eyeing her.

"Here are your keys." Mom says, giving me a card.

"You and Julia get a room all to yourselves." She whispers.

"Thanks mom." I smile, making her kiss my cheek. I hug her tightly. "For everything."

"Hey, I'm a mom. Its what I do." She chuckles, making me laugh along.

"Can we please go and eat some food! I'm starving!" Alex exclaims.

"Oh for heaven's sake you just said you were full from eating all the burgers on the plane!" Brook says dragging his ears.

"Their not even married yet but they already make it seem like they are." Bryson chuckles.

"Tell me about it." Lucus says. I was so glad that Lucus had fixed his mute state. He was mute for a very long time. It was because his father abused him and his mother left him when he was just five yours old. Luckily, his aunt wanted him ever since he was born because she knew his parents wouldn't take care of him.

Since the party that Bianca's mom kept, I knew that they started meeting each other. Lucus was happy with Bianca and she was with him. I was glad for them. And since Bianca was now a friend of Julia, I invited her to join us. Because any friend of Julia's was a friend of mine.

"Okay everyone, go on." Dad says. "I'll drop you off at St. Andrew soon so you can pick up Julia's friends from there. Let's just get settled first."

"Thanks Dad." He pats my shoulder, going to mom and kissing her on the lips.

I couldn't wait for my baby's birthday.

She had no idea what I had in store for her. And I knew that it wouldn't be a complete birthday without her friends who she grew up with. This was going to be her first birthday ever with me.

I was going to make sure that it was her best.


A/N: I know you all are gonna hate me. But, I am so sad to announce that The Outcast Girl is coming to an end.

I can't believe it, but it actually is.

Wow, I just felt something plunge me in my heart.

I don't know how some authors can estimate how many chapters are left in a book because I sure can't (I'd guess and say about 4 or so chapters are left, lol don't believe that) But just know that we are in the last moments of Julia and Jace.

*exits out of book to cry*

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