Chapter Thirteen

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Dedicated to kaykay_savage11

"Help is something that is given to someone whether they need it or not."

"Eyes are the windows to the soul."

-Kamoyrocks 😊


Julia's POV

I freeze as I inhale the scent of what I assume is man cologne.

"June, why are you up here? And why were you going to jump off of the edge of the school's roof?" Jace hugs me even tighter. I sob because he caught me in my worst state.

"I-I..." I hand him my phone. He searches it and immediately a frown reaches his perfect face. As he reads it, I can't help but stare at how his jaw line is well sculpted, his lean muscular body, it almost seems like he did some working out. His tall frame as he stands in front of me. His broad shoulders and-

"Who sent these to you?" He asked, his face blazing with fury.

"Mi don't know, but mi tink is Bianca spread de news on what happin at de ball and she tell everybody fi do dis." I say and he moves in to hug me but I stop him."No, I'll get you dirty. Don't you smell how stinky I am? I'm a mess." He stares at me like I have grown two heads.

"And does it look like I care?" He hugs me, basically crushing my body into his. I inhale his manly scent, that makes me smile to myself but my stomach turns at the thoughts that runs through my head.

"Please don't let them get to you June, you are so much better than that. You have so many people who love you." He pleads.

"Yeah!" I look over my shoulder and see Alex and the boys. Jace throws them the phone and I try to make myself look less pathetic by brushing off my clothes. Just then Jace stops me.

"There's no need to do that, you look beautiful either way." I smile at him. The boys comes to me and they all wrap me in a hug.

"You wanna talk about it?" Alexander asks. I nod my head and mentally cringe at myself for being the odd one out.

"Don't think that Julia girl. Even if no one else in this school loves you, just remember that we do! Don't listen to them!" Ethan says.

"Yeah, we'll always be there. Through thick and thin. Especially physically but I'll talk about that to you later." Drake says and everyone breaks away to look at him.

"Moment over." Lucas says. I also notice that he is not on his phone. We all laugh at him.

"We are gonna have to skip the rest of the sessions for today and go to my place. We can get the sessions back if we come to school on Saturday." Jace says.

"No, you guys don-"

"We are going to do this because we are not leaving you out. We are here for your June, we all love you enough to do anything for you." He says.

"Yeah I'm always gonna be there, in between your legs or behind you." Drake says and Lucas smacks him in the head. I can't believe he just said that.


"The bruises will go away within a week, they aren't really serious. What caused these bruises anyway?" Nadine; Jace's mom asks.

Oh no. I can't tell her. I'll get Linda in trouble. When I don't answer to her, Jace kneels down to get to my level on the couch.

"June, who did this to you?" He looks me in the eyes. It not just any look, its the look that makes it seem like he was finding something out. Like he was reading me. "Was it your mom?"

How did he do that? I break out in tears "Yes, I-I'm not living there anymore."

"Julia I want you to answer this question." She said in a stern voice. "Is your mother abusing you?"

"I can't tell you or she'd kill me." I sob and Jace hugs me, his shirt getting wetter by the moment but he seems to be unfazed by it.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anybody, but with us and a case like this, we will help you and we will win." She smiles and goes to the kitchen but stops. "And Julia, your welcome to stay here anytime you want."


"Uh-oh, Look out Drake, Vanessa is calling again." Ethan taunts. We are all in Jace's room. After I have cleaned up and all. I actually feel great.

"Oh no, not she again. What does she want?"

"I don't know dude! Why don't you ask her?" He laughs at Drake.

"Why doesn't she just understand the fact that she was just a one night stand? They always cone back. So I'm quite the catch Julia." He winks at me and I cringe mentally.

"Yeah right." Alexander scoffs as he sits on the huge couch.

"I swear if I answer it I'm going to cut my balls of." He groans and falls back on the mini bad next to the couch.

"Great, so now girls don't have to get worried about being banged by you. Or even better, you won't have anyone to satisfy your sexual needs!" Jace says and his tone sound like when people are advertising product. The guys laugh and Drake just scowls.

"I'm surprised that you haven't gotten a disease yet sonny boy!" Ethan says and at the end he raises his voice in that high pitch sound.

"Take the phone ding dong." Alex shouts while on his phone.

"And what are you doing over there? Texting Broookkk?" Drake cooes and Alex grits his teeth.

"You know what, stay out of my love life and I'll stay out of yours." Alex hiss. "I promise."

"I don't." He laughs and then grabs the phone from Ethan and answers it. "Vanessa! Hey what's up babe....yeah, um well, meant nothing, just to satisfy me.. So what!?.....okay then! I wasted my good penis time when I could have stuck it up someone else's sacred area." He hangs up the phone and we all laugh.

"Seriously Drake? It was better that you cut your balls off!" Ethan says and we all laugh harder.

"You are just so plain up mean, ah-" I moan as my belly starts to hurt from the laughing.

"Damn right I'm mean. Especially in bed. I'll have you begging for it so hard Julia, you don't even know right now. Like I could be so mean to you by just teasing you with-"

"Okay that's enough. I think Julia doesn't want to hear how or what way you are going to bang her." Jace says.

"It will happen one day Julia. One day. I know you want me." He whispers beside me and I move over only to bump up into Jace's body.

He stares at me, his green eyes melting me as he bites his lips at me. He then darts his eyes to my lips. His minty breath fans my face as he leans in and,

His phones buzzes.

"Hey guys coach is calling us for some late football training, you guys coming?" Jace says. I did not know that they were on the basketball team. It makes so much sense considering how they all look like Greek Gods; Hercules for example.

"Of course!"
"I need a new girl to bang anyway."

Everyone looks at Drake. This boy really needs some therapy.

"What? All the girls basically worship me to the point where they actually go on their knees and ask me to fill them." He moves closer to me. "Don't worry princess, I still got plenty of fluids to fill you up when I'm done with you."

I've never met such a guy this horny and nasty before...

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