Chapter Twenty Five

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•Dedicated to≈ Bookwriter2121  (your gonna love this, I bet)

The Outcast Girl is #1 in outcast!!!! We made it guys! We are the kings and queens of outcast! ❤

"Some things take longer to get better. Its because the hardest battles come out in the best results."

"Sometimes, you just have to let it out, let it go and live."

"It will all get better in time."

-Kamoyrocks 😊

Jace's POV

"I'll clear everything up with everyone. You take care of her, okay?" Dad says and walks further away into the house.

"Yeah, thanks dad." I say and we head out the car. I enter the house, fortunately, no one is in the living room. I quickly head upstairs to my room.

Closing the door, I slowly put Julia on the couch.

"Hey." I shake her slightly to wake up. Her eyelashes flutters open and I am once again lost in those deep brown chocolate eyes.

"Am I...dead?" She asks and I chuckle. Still typical June.

"No, your still alive. Come on, you need to freshen up. I'll go get you something to eat, yeah?" I say and she nods. I help her up and I kiss her bloodstained forehead. I leave the room with a sigh.

That girl is going to be the death of me...

Julia's POV

I slowly walk to the bathroom as I look around the familiar room. I can't believe I'm here again. After I was told not to come, I'm in for some deep trouble.

I just couldn't resist Jace. The way his green eyes sparkled when he found me, the familiar scent of him, being in his arms as he whispers sweet things in my ears, I had to give in. He always made me so weak. But at least I tried to resist.

'Yeah, by saying 'we ca-, I ca-, real smooth Julia' My subconscious says with sass.  I roll my eyes.

I know I have a lot of things to ask Jace, to talk about. Not to mention my eating disorder, and the fact that I have been cutting myself for so long and he hasn't noticed.

I step into the shower and I'm greeted with the relaxing warm water as it runs down my body. I hiss when I noticed that I've gained some cuts from the fighting I did earlier.

I sigh when I've noticed that I have absolutely no where else to go. Linda is too busy cheating and I really prefer not going to my bed while hearing moans and groans everyday. I'm actually glad that she never saw me today because I really wasn't ready for a confrontation. Well, at least not yet.

And then you have the girls who have threatened me. And I'm going to leave Jace's place at some point, I can't keep living here forever, I'm going to have to leave soon. The thought saddens me, Jace's family has been nothing but nice to me.

Oh well, all good things must come to an end, right?

Stepping out of the shower, I quickly place a robe over my body. I walk out the room, trying to look for clothes, when I don't see them in my suitcase, I start to panic.

Who took them?

I door opens to reveal Jace with a tray of pasta and orange juice.

"Where mi clothes dem at?" I question.

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