Chapter Twenty Two

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Dedicated to≈ shimarris109 (sorry I took so long to dedicate a chapter to you hehe.) Even tho she hasn't been on this app for awhile, I still miss her and we still dedicate a chappie to her! She was my first ever reader!

Also, thank you so much for the 7k reads my little bunnies! I love you all so much ❤

"Sometimes your mind can say one thing, and then it says another. But its your heart that determines what you really decide."

-Kamoyrocks 😊

Julia's POV

"We don't have to go to school today if you don't want to baby." Jace whispers as he traces his fingers up and down my arm leaving goosebumps there.

"Mm...I don't want to go to school." I murmured as I shift on the bed to face him. Last night was absolutely draining. The crying, all the emotions I tried so hard hide came out in full force and I was absolutely tired.

He smiles down at me and I do the same. I still can't believe that I'm living with him, on his bed and this close to him.

"Then we don't have to." He says softly. "I'll go tell mom. Maybe we can go shopping today." He says and exits the room. I sigh in content.

Last night was amazing. I never thought that Jace would be so open up to me about his personal life. I know I should have told him how I felt. Not only for him but how everything has been affecting me. Surely he already knows but he doesn't know that I am suffering from severe depression.

I know I should have told him that I cut my wrists. That I'm suicidal, that I'm broken beyond repair. That I'm completely lost. I don't know who I am and I don't know what to do anymore and I know that if I tell Jace, he would just never understand.

Have you ever felt this way? You know you have people to talk to, to vent to but you just know that they will never understand you. And that hurts the most.

You know your not okay but you have to pretend that you are and its just so tiring to the point where you are slowly giving up on pretending and just want to disappear.

I want to disappear...

"What are you thinking?" Jace appears with a tray of bacon and eggs.

"Jace, as much as I love staying here with you, you know that mi have to face Linda someday." I whisper. He places the tray on the stand and climbs up to me, staring at me with his dark emerald eyes.

"Well yeah, I know that. But that day doesn't have to be today. I know that you can't stay here forever...even though I want you to. But let's not think about that right now. When your ready to see her, you tell me, okay?" He taps my chin and I hug him.

"Thanks Jace."


"So, where we going?" I ask Jace as he turns the corner. We are in his car and I can't help but admire how he looks so calm and collected other than last night.

"I have some books to pick up at school because I have to study then we can go shopping and eat something." He shows me his breathtaking smile.

"Sounds like a plan." I lay back in his black Ferrari. "School is over, right?"

"Yeah, maybe you can go say hi to the boys while I get my books." He suggests. "Just please don't go anywhere else. Come back straight to the car."

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