Chapter Sixteen

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Dedicated to≈ sundella

"Always appreciate what you have. Even tho it may not be a lot, its better than having nothing."

-Kamoyrocks :)


Julia's POV

Have you ever had one of those feelings when you wish you could just fight for what's right? To fight for what's yours? To fight for others? Yourself? Well, that's how I feel right now.

As Bianca basically struts her way to Jace and pulls him away. The way she starts critcizing Brook about how she made a big mistake for leaving her and hung out with us. Or how she was ready to turn to me and start criticizing me now.

"Don't you even start." I say.

"I don't need to, I mean, look at your outfit." She says scrunching up her nose. I wait to feel offended, it doesn't come. I smile at myself for not letting her get to me.

"What do you want Bianca?" Jace asked, clearly annoyed.

"I need you to help me with my biology project."

"Why don't you just go call a nerd." Alex scoffs and Brook nudges him.

"That's the thing. Brook was my nerd. She did all my homework but clearly she has left me to go to Alex." And it was the first time in forever. Yes, I'm sounding like the movie frozen, I saw Alex glared angrily at someone. I turn to Brook and give her a look to calm him down. She rubs his arms and his face moves from hatred to deep love within seconds.

"If I go with you, will you leave them alone?" Jace asks.

"Yup!" She says popping the p.

"Fine let's go." He finalizes. Bianca walks towards me, then brushes past my shoulder.

"I told you to leave him alone. He'll always come running back to me." She sneers.

"Let's all be real right now. We all know that you came to him. And ain't no biology project you have to do with him but hurt him again and I'll be yo last nightmare." I say back thrust her shoulders with mine.

"You don't scare me black girl." She walks away and carries Jace with her.

"I'll drive you back." Alexander places his arm around me and I nod.


"Well, she is just downright awful." Nadine; Jace's mother says. We are in the living room, folding some clothes as I tell Nadine what happen a few hours ago. In all fairness, Nadine is almost like a mother to me. She can't replace my mom though, I'm afraid no one can. Sure I have a stepmother but she'll never take mama's place.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but, I don't like her." I mumble and Nadine laughs.

"Julia, I love you, you know that? Its not a crime to not like people. I'm just glad that you don't hate her. Hate is a strong word. Never let any person pull you down enough for you to hate them." She kisses my cheek.

The Outcast Girl ✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora