Chapter Seven

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"Hard times reveal true friends"

-Kamoyrocks (:

I just can't do it, I can't live in this world anymore. I hate my life and never once have I thought that something like this would happen to me.

I can't learn
I can't be free
I can't speak my own mind


My dad is going away tomorrow and so, I am being left with that sick woman.

I only pray to God that she doesn't hurt me and I plead the blood of Jesus against she and her demons.

I've had enough...

I just got to school by Linda. Well, she wouldn't have done it if my dad was in the car.

She makes me sick to my stomach. Literally.

But I will hold no grudge against her. I'm not like that. Even though what she is doing is wrong and God knows how many times I've forgave her. I can't hold a grudge against her.

She is my step mom and I have to respect her even though she doesn't respect me. I know that I have to give respect to gain respect so, that's exactly what I'm going to do.

I'm not doing this because of my dad. I'm doing this because I'm a good person and even though she hates me and all, I still love her as a stepmother even though she drives me crazy.

I also love the children at my school. Even though they hate me, I love them.

Love is stronger than hate...

I might be black, but that doesn't mean that I'm not a human being like them. I have feelings, I have a soft heart, and I also have my bad days.

But they don't seem to care but what can I do? Its not like I'm gonna go on my knees and beg them to love and care for me. No.

People decide if they want to become care and love you.

Its not all the time in life that people are gonna care about you and love you. You have to accept the fact that not everyone is going to love you for you, and that's okay.

My whole life can be described as one sentence: It didn't go as planned and that's okay.

I just have to keep holding on because better days are coming.

"Does everyone understand?" The teacher asks and I almost forgot that I was in my first class.

"Yes Mr. Doogle." The class replies.

"Okay so, your home work are from pages 12-24. Since it seems so easy to you all." He says. "Class dismissed." The class scurries out of the class in a swift move.

I look at the pages. My eyes widen as I see the math problems that I can barely understand. Oh boy...

I let out a frustrated sigh as I start packing my bags.

"Are you okay?" I familiar voice asks.

I look up from my bag as I am greeted with bright green emerald eyes. Jace

His eyes always seem to have an effect on me. I seem to feel weak and can barely speak when he speaks or even looks at me.

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