Chapter Seventeen

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Dedicated to≈ Derpy_Cat_


"Love only gets stronger when it is given."


Jace's POV

"Come on Jace. Let's get going." She says and gets into her car. I groan mentally then step into the passenger seat. The familiar scent brings back memories that I would smile over but now seem to pain me every time they come to my mind.

The image of me kissing Bianca, us having a make out session and telling each other 'I love you's'.

I was wrong when I said those words...

You shouldn't just drop the L bomb on someone you don't really love. It will manipulate many things. Saying I love you is one thing, but saying it and actually meaning it is another.

And I never meant it when I said it to Bianca.

I was young. I didn't know what the true meaning of love was. I thought I was in love with Bianca, that's until she went and done what she did.

I have forgiven her. But I can't forget it. It hurt me and I never thought I could love someone again, that is...

Until I met Julia...

I've never felt this way about any girl before. She's different and just knowing that she's in the same room with me makes my heart race. I've heard of people saying how love feels and I thought I never would have it but, I do. I fell so hard for Julia.

I know I'm in love with her. It scares the living shells out of me but I do. I just don't know if she feels the same way.

Rejection is the serpent of the heart, appreciation is the angel it..

I think she only sees me as a friend and if she does, I don't want to do anything to change that.

"Your thinking about me aren't you?" Bianca's voice calls as she glances at me.

"No." I say.

"Why are you thinking about her? How many times do I have to tell you that I'm sorry for what I did? I want you back Jace. I miss you." She says.

"I have already forgiven you Bianca. But, you betrayed my trust. Trust is like a paper. Once you crumple it up, it would never be the same again."

"Jace! But why! I can show you! I didn't mean it! I've changed! Why can't you just give me another chance?" She screams.

"Bianca, can we just...not talk about this right now? Your driving for heavens sake." I say as calmly as possible. The last thing I wanted to do was yell.  Bianca is my friend now, well, I'm not even sure if she is. What she doesn't know is that, she shattered my heart into a million  pieces; I was broken. But I was beautifully broken.

And being broken isn't a bad thing. Its the best thing that could ever happen to you. Somewhere along the way, God himself will bring someone along and that angel will build and heal you.

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