Chapter Twenty One

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Dedicated to≈ sweetestcookies17 she's just so sweet! *hugs*

"It hurts to see the ones we love in pain."


Julia's POV

We enter the house hand in hand. Jace's face is emotionless as he slowly uses his thumb to caress my palm.

"Hey guys." Jace's mom greets cheerfully as she smiles at us and I hug her. I'm fully aware that the house is always loud with the amount of children that occupy it. If someone was to have some alone time it wouldn't work out. Jace is talking to one of the maids, as she heads upstairs. He slowly turns to his mother.

"Hi mom." Jace hugs her after.

"What's wrong sweetie? You look so sad." She frowns.

"I'm fine mom. I just need to rest." He says and plasters a tired smile.

"Okay baby. Talk to me later about it yeah?" She suggests and kisses his cheeks.

"Okay mom. Thanks."

As soon as she disappears, I am being dragged up the stairs and heading straight to Jace's room. He quickly closes the door after.

"Jace, what are you-" I am cut off when he hugs me, pressing me gently to the wall.

"Are you ok-" I stop when I hear him sob uncontrollably. I hug him tighter and gently rub his back, well not really, he is so tall, he has to stoop to hug me and I have to stretch to rub his back.

"Jace, I need you to tell me what happen." I say in his ears. He pulls away to look in my eyes and I wipe his tears with my thumb. He lifts me  up, my legs around his waist as he carries me to his large balcony. When he sets me down, I am awestruck by the candles and picnic.

"Jace what-"

"Sit down June." He says softly and I comply. "I need to tell you something. Something that Bianca did to me long ago." I hold his arm, caressing it gently in comfort.

"Before you came, Bianca and I were together. We were both the same. Rich, blonde...everything. We were best friends since we were little and it was only until the 7th grade that we decided to take it further. We were so in love...or so I thought. I was the one who had to fight for Bianca's attention. I had to be the one, to-to get her everything and yet still it wouldn't be good enough for her. I wasn't good enough for her. I did everything to show her my affection, but she just threw me aside every time. I was starting to fall into a dark place. Depression took over my life. I was different, I was emotionless, I was cruel, I-I didn't even know who I was. My parents had been there for me but that still didn't fill the emptiness in my heart. I felt like something was missing, I just didn't know what it was." He wraps his arms around me and places me on his lap.

"So I went to see a therapist. She helped me and I saw myself slowly recovering. Bianca texted me and told me to come over to her house so she could apologise to me for what she had done. I thought that everything was going great for me. But before I went there, there was this new boy in town...Gabe. He was rich, handsome and the girls swooned over him..even Bianca. I tried to get her attention because well, she was my girlfriend. But I would see her fawning over him, flirting with him and that really messed with my head. I hated him, and he knew what he was doing, he always winked at me when Bianca was around him. He even told me that he was going to have his way with her and she would leave me." I clasp his face.

"He's horrible." I say softly. And he nods kissing my forehead.

"That's why I want you to stay away from him. I hate his ways. I hated him so bad because he was just using her and she was so blind to see it. Something hit me that day he told me and I just realised that Bianca is not worth it. She never was. And when she said she wanted to apologise, my heart was completely shattered when I went in her room and saw them both having sex. Gabe was smirking at me...mocking me and Bianca just looked at me as he had his way with her. They didn't even budge. I ran away, and it all went back to stage one. I was back to that dark place. But my parents helped me both spiritually and emotionally. The therapist still helped me but I still felt empty. Like I would never live again."

I blink back the tears and use my small hands to cup his large muscular jawline.

"Y-You mean, you don't believe in a love?" He chuckles and kisses the back of my arm.

"Of course I believe in love baby. You made me see that. You saved me. You filled my emptiness and repaired me. You changed my life. I know you might not feel the same way, but I'm going to work until you do. Even if it takes years. Baby you have me wrapped around your little finger and I'm sorry to break it to you, but you are never getting rid of me. I love you June, thank you for changing my life and making me a better person." He says softly and kisses my cheek. I blush and turn my head away.

"I'm glad I saved you Jace. I guess it was fate. You are very important to me and I couldn't ask for anyone else in my life." I whisper and kiss his sharp jawline. I wanted to say I love him, hell, I wanted to scream it to him and the world but I just couldn't. I know that I'm not worthy of his love. I know I will never be good enough. I'm too messed up for someone as good as him.

"I'm just sad that it had to take my mom dying in order to meet you." I say as a tear slips down my cheek.

"Hey, hey, don't speak like that. Always remember that she is in a better place. And although it might seem that things are too much to handle right now, but it will get better in time June, I promise." He eyes looks at mine with intensity and I nod my head. He wipes my tears and hugs me.

"And always remember that-" he holds my two hands in his big ones and says,

"I'm here."


A/N: Guyyyyyssss!!!! I am finally back!!! I missed y'all and thought of you everyday! I felt like I was off wattpad for yeaaaaarrrsss. But I'm back now, and yes, I am happy, I'm doing much better so don't worry. Thanks to my babies who pm me and asked me if I was okay. *jumps on y'all and showers each with kisses*

Annnnd wait, hold on a minute! Is that? 6k reads I see? It is!!! Aaahhhhhh!!!! I came back and see 6k reads!? Guys! Thank u sooo much! I wasn't expecting to get so many. And let me not forget the 700+ votes!! *pinches self to make sure that I'm not dreaming*

You've all made me so proud. I feel so blessed and special to have amazing readers and voters like you.

And more exciting news, drum roll please! *drum rolls* we are at #17 in inspiring!

Did you hear that?.....

I said we are at #17 in inspiring.

Freaking number 17!!! Oh my gosh guys!!! We freaking made it fam. I thought that when I came off and return that I would get like, 2k reads and like 300+ votes but I came back and the news was so much better than expected. Thank u all soooo very much, I love u all to the deepest depths of my heart.

And to those who commented. I will reply to you soon because some of them are just hilarious and so cute. It literally always makes my day when y'all encourage me. I MIGHT be following some people so look out for me. Just because you guys are so sweet. Some of you will even see a chapter dedicated to you.

But let me remind you, I'm only human, I can't write everyone's name but just know that I appreciate you all soooo very much.

We have new readers!!! Welcome to my slow updating journey lol. I hope u all journey with me till the very end 😊😋 (don't forget to share)

To those who sat down and read this to the end, you are truly dedicated. Hugs all around! *hugs*

Keep being the amazing and beautiful people you truly are. God bless and keep you, you all are in my prayers 😇.


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