He could hear breathing deeply, she was already asleep; Omkara too shut his eyes, to join her in the world of dreams. 


Next morning, Omkara got up as Gauri tried to pull her hand away. 

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to wake you" said Gauri, apologetically. 

"Its okay, I needed to wake up early anyways, otherwise Hitler Dadi would have another commentary ready on how artists are indisciplined or whatever" said Omkara sitting up.

Gauri clicked her tongue, and said, "I hope you didn't take her words to heart."

"Of course not, I respect her age and opinions" said Omkara. 

Gauri looked at their joined hands. Omkara let go immediately, so that Gauri could rush for a bath. 

All was good now, but what about when they went back to the mansion? Will it be like before they came here? The awkward silences and avoidance? Omkara thought he'll think about it later when the times come.

Some time later, they were having breakfast, where Dadi distributed work between all of them. Her grandkids seemed especially excited. 

"This is like one of our annual get-togethers" Mahesh explained, to Omkara, as both of them, plus a few others set to work in the area where the fest was going to take place. "Aunt and uncle come from Pune, with our cousins, and nephew. My sister also comes from her boarding school. So, we all have a lot of fun here. I am glad that you and Gauri bhaabhi came here this year. Dadi, told us, just the day before you arrived, about your family. She would keep track of the news about your family, it seems like she misses your Dadi." 

Omkara nodded. "I can't believe they put their friendship in jeopardy over an idol.....sorry, I'm not really a believer of god" said Omkara.

"Thats okay with me, I am not much of a believer either, just follow traditions to keep my family happy. But don't mention it in front of the elders, they might not like it. Vaise (Hmm)....how do you and Gauri bhaabhi.....I mean, she is devout believer of God, especially Shivji....?" asked Mahesh curiously. 

Omkara laughed. 

"We've had our discussions about faith. But I think we are comfortable in our differences" said Omkara, not knowing where those words came from.

"That is such a nice way of looking at it. Anyways, lets get back to work" said Mahesh. 

Yes, it was a nice way to look at it, just that they weren't an actual couple, thought Omkara.

Gauri, on the other hand, was busy in the prayer hall, preparing for the pooja day after tomorrow. She sang softly as she worked, regaled the audience with tales from her city, and entertained them with her non-stop commentary on everything happening around. 

Maithili Dadi watched from the sidelines, the girl was immensely likable. The boy though. How did they get married, she wondered? There seemed to be an understanding between them, maybe her ebullient nature balanced his quiet, reticent personality. But there was more than just the usual 'filmy' story at work here. There was more depth to them, something that did not meet the eye. Yes, they made her very curious. 

Omkara and others traipsed to the Bungalow for lunch, and found the place empty for what they assumed should have been bustling with activity. As they neared the prayer hall, they saw that majority of the crowd was gathered sitting or standing, listening to someone. Of course, Omkara knew who they were listening to. 

As Gauri ended her song, everyone came out of trance; Omkara had seen this before, so he wasn't surprised. Mahesh commented, "Wow, Gauri bhaabhi is so talented."

"I know" said Omkara, mesmerized. 

They all sat down to lunch after a while. 

"Gauri, I have to tell Kalyani next time we talk, that she succeeded in securing such a gunvaan (one having many good qualities) wife for her grandson" said Maithili Dadi. "I wish I had met you first, then I would have asked for your hand for my Mahesh." 

Gauri felt extremely uncomfortable, not least because she saw Mahesh like a brother. She looked at him, and saw the same embarrassment reflected in his eyes. 

"Dadi...what are you saying? Gauri bhaabhi...I have so much respect for her" he said, softly, looking apologetically at Gauri.

"Of course, you should, she is elder to you in relation. But I presume she is hardly that old in age, twenty one at most" remarked Dadi, unconsciously. 

Gauri couldn't think of any reply to this. She knew that her age was closer to twenty three, but then she didn't know her birth date, the misfortune of being adopted. 

Mahesh's father hastily changed the topic, as he could gauge that the atmosphere got a little too heavy.

Gauri sneaked a glance at Omkaraji; his face was expressionless, it gave no clue of what he was thinking. 

After lunch, Omkara was free from work as they finished their work in the morning. So, he approached Gauri.

"Gauri, do you..do you want to go sightseeing?" asked Omkara, dithering.

"Oh, I would like to, but the girls, Avantika and all, they persuaded me to go with them, shopping and....I can refuse them and come with you instead...." broke off Gauri.

"No..no, you must not cancel your plans for me, go on, have fun" said Omkara, half-heartedly. 

Gauri looked at his face concerned, expecting him to say something more but he didn't, so she left with the girls. 

Omkara strolled in the courtyard, and did some mental calculations. They didn't know much about Annika bhaabhi and Gauri's parentage, but he guessed that bhaabhi was around his age, or at least in her late twenties. That would make her age difference with Shivaay around five years at the maximum. If Gauri was Rudra's age, then she would be at least seven years younger to him. More importantly, they were on opposite ends of twenty five, which would mean a great difference in their outlook. 

No, Gauri was wiser and cleverer than many older people he knew. But she was also a little crazy and childish sometimes. Was he too old for her? thought Omkara. 

He didn't like how Maithili Dadi made pointed remarks about him; be it his lifestyle or now, his age. Why didn't she like him? 

These thoughts got too much for Omkara, so asked a servant to get some loose paper a few pieces of charcoal. He sat down in the empty courtyard and started sketching. 

Afternoon became evening, and it steadily grew darker. Omkara looked at his finished sketch. He wasn't completely satisfied with the result, but that was what he could manage from rudimentary supplies. 

"Oh....thats so amazing!" exclaimed Avantika, as she came up from behind him. "Om bhaiyaa, did you manage it just with those lumps of charcoal?" she asked, her eyes wide in amazement. 

It was a simple sketch really, of the kids and Gauri enjoying the cane sticks yesterday. What made it nice, Om presumed, was that faces didn't have defined features but joy and innocence radiated clearly. 

While the rest of girls admired the sketched, Gauri smiled to herself. 

Chalo, Omkaraji seemed fine, she thought. Its good that he is unperturbed by comments on their age gap. It didn't make much of a difference to her, and she hoped it didn't make much difference to him either. 

In any case, there were much bigger issues between them to tackle first, she thought as she sighed to herself. 

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