Chapter 6

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[Y/N]'s P.O.V.

   The littlest girl, who looked maybe 12, jumped up and ran over to me. She pushed my wing so that it was open and studied it, touching my feathers. I tensed, a shiver running down my spine. I hated when people touched my wings. It made me feel self conscious. I could feel everyone's eyes on me, but I didn't look at them. I could feel my nausea getting worse and worse. I hate when people stare at me. I hate when people touch me. Everything about this was awful.

   "Uncle Bruce!" The girl called. "Are you seeing this?" A man in a purple shirt stood up and walked over. He too inspected my wings closely. He then looked up at me.

   "Were you born with these or genetically altered?" He asked. Oh great. Questions. My memory is so fuzzy, how am I supposed to know? I swallowed hard, fighting back the need to vomit.

   "Born. I-I think." I answered hesitantly. He nodded.

   "Anything else that's special about you?" He continued to question. My head felt like it was spinning.

   "Um. I can heal myself and others." That's all I think. I gripped my shirt in my fist, squeezing it tightly to try to quell my anxiety.

   "How old are you?" He didn't seem to notice how uncomfortable I was.

   "Around 17." Please... I don't even know. Leave me alone.

   "Alright Banner." Bucky interjected as he stood up. "That's enough." Bruce narrowed his eyes but stepped back. Bucky walked over to me and put his arm around my shoulders. Why are people always touching me? He introduced me to each of the avengers present one at a time. They seemed nice. So far I didn't like Banner, though. I turned to Tony. 

   "I want to be one of you." I stated firmly. "I want to be an Avenger." His eyes grew wide. I hoped he wouldn't question me. I didn't have a hard reason for wanting to join them. For the most part I just wanted to appease them. I knew they were powerful. I didn't want to give them an excuse to hurt me. Doing what they wanted was for the best, right?

   "Wait, really?" He asked, seemingly shocked. "But we haven't even started our convincing plan yet." I rolled my eyes, gripping my shirt tighter. My wings shifted slightly. I had to think of something to tell them. A reason. I had to have a reason.

   "I doubt it would have worked. But you don't need to convince me. The people who hurt me, Hydra, I want to stop them from hurting anyone else." That wasn't true. Tony nodded.

   "Well then, it's settled. You are an Avenger now." He told me.

   "One thing though," I began, "I need a weapon." He blinked a few times.

   "A what?"

   "A weapon. Anything will do." I clarified. "I'm trained to use many things and I'm not picky, but I'd like a way to defend myself." He nodded thoughtfully.

   "I think something can be arranged."

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